Kaitlyn Watson

Kaitlyn Watson

Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

Kaitlyn Watson

Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

Kaitlyn Watson is a doctoral candidate in the Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies stream. Her research applies a self-reflexive decolonizing framework to narrative inquiry to gather perspecitives of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples involved with reconciliatory work. Broadly, this research project aims to better understand how more positive and respectful relationships can be built between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. Kaitlyn’s work builds upon the goals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and its calls to action on education about Indigenous peoples among all Canadians.

Kaitlyn has dedicated her research, teaching, and activism to Indigenous/non-Indigenous relations as a settler Canadian. Completing her Master of Arts at Trent University in Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies and an undergraduate degree at Lakehead University in Interdisciplinary Studies, Kaitlyn has explored Indigenous-colonizer issues from historical, geographic, and literary dimensions. Kaitlyn has a Bachelor of Education with teachable subjects in English and Geography. She was awarded the William A West medal as the highest achieving student in the intermediate/senior stream and has work published in the geography trade journal, The Monograph. Kaitlyn has also co-written children’s books about environmental conservation efforts integrating Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee cultures.