Mohammed Estaiteyeh
Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
I completed my PhD degree in Curriculum Studies with an emphasis on STEM Education in March 2022. I am passionate about curriculum reform and innovative pedagogical practices in K-12 and higher education.
During my doctoral studies at Western University, my work experiences included being:
- Instructor in the Teacher Education Program (Curriculum and Pedagogy in STEM
Education), Faculty of Education - Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences (IMS) Program, The Schulich School of
Medicine & Dentistry - Conference planner, facilitator, and researcher at the Institute for Earth and Space
Exploration - Graduate research and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Education
Before starting the PhD program, I worked for 12 years in Lebanon. My experiences included being:
- Academic consultant and trainer of teachers at several K-12 schools
- Academic director at an international school
- Head of Science Department (Grades 1-12) at an international school
- Biology teacher for secondary classes (International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) and Lebanese Program
- Research assistant at the Education Department, American University of Beirut

Isha DeCoito, PhD

Anton Puvirajah, PhD
My research interests include equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) practices in STEM education; technology-enhanced teaching; online learning; and program evaluation.
My doctoral dissertation is entitled: “Walking the equity, diversity, and inclusion talk: Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ views, understandings, and implementation of differentiated instruction”. The dissertation can be accessed here:
Additionally, I collaborated on the following research projects:
- 360-Degree Education and Evaluation: Focusing on the Impact and Outcomes of a New
Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences Master’s Program - STEM Pre-service Teachers' Preparation for Online Teaching in Ontario High Schools
- Ontario STEM Teachers' Experiences with Online Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The 2023 ASTE Award V: Implications of Research for Educational Practice-graduate student level. Paper entitled “Case studies: Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of differentiated instruction” and presented at the ASTE 2022 Conference. Association for Science Teacher Education, May 4, 2022.
- Canadian Association of Teacher Education (CATE) “Recognition Awards for Theses and Dissertations on Teacher Education.” March 18, 2022.
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), May 2021-April 2022. (15,000 CAD)
- Art Geddis “Learning About Teaching” Memorial Award, Western University, April 22, 2021. (500 CAD)
- “Jessica Jean Campbell Coulson Award” for Inclusive Education, Western University, May 13, 2020. (2,000 CAD)
- “Inclusive Education Research Award” by the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education, Western University, February 20, 2020. (750 CAD)
- Ranked first among the Faculty of Education graduate students and among the top 20 university-wide in the “3-Minute Thesis” Competition, March 2019.
Conferences Attended
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (2022, May 15-19). Tracking the development in STEM teacher candidates’ conceptions and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion through reflective practice [Paper]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2022 Conference, Virtual. (First Author & Presenter)
- DeCoito, I. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022, May 15-19). Addressing STEM teachers’ challenges in online teaching by enhancing their TPACK and creating digital resources [Paper]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2022 Conference, Virtual. (Co-author & Co-presenter)
- DeCoito, I. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022, April 22-25). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM teacher education: Preparing teacher candidates for online teaching [Poster]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2022 Conference, San Diego, CA. (Co-author & Co-presenter)
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2022, April 1-3). Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion in teacher education [Paper]. 13th Robert Macmillan Symposium in Education (RMSE), Virtual.
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (2022, March 27-30). Enhancing STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion through differentiated instruction [Paper]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2022 Conference, Vancouver, BC. (First Author & Presenter)
- Campbell, N., Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (2022, March 27-30). Preparing graduate students for success: Validating interdisciplinary skill development needs [Poster]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2022 Conference, Vancouver, BC. (Co-author & Co-presenter)
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (2022, January 6-8). Case studies: Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of differentiated instruction [Paper]. Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) 2022 Conference, Greenville, SC. (First Author & Presenter)
- DeCoito, I. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022, January 6-8). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM education: Exploring teacher candidates’ preparation for online teaching [Paper]. Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) 2022 Conference, Greenville, SC.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2021, July 5-9). Differentiated instruction in science classrooms: Methods, outcomes, and the potential role of technology [Paper]. 6th International STEM in Education Conference, Virtual.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2021, July 5-9). Differentiated instruction in science classrooms: A comprehensive literature review [Poster]. 6th International STEM in Education Conference, Virtual.
- DeCoito, I. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2021, May 29-June 3). Science/STEM teachers' support and recommendations for successful online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian context [Paper]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2021 Conference, Virtual. (Co-author & Co-Presenter)
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2021, May 29-June 3). STEM pre-service teachers’ understanding and implementation of differentiated instruction in Ontario secondary classrooms: Research design [Roundtable]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2021 Conference, Virtual.
- DeCoito, I. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2021, April 7-10). STEM teachers' curriculum practices in online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic: A Canadian context [Paper]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2021 Conference, Virtual. (Co-author & Co-Presenter)
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2021, March 25-27). STEM pre-service teachers’ understanding and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion policies in Ontario: Research design [Roundtable]. 12th Robert Macmillan Symposium in Education (RMSE), Virtual.
- DeCoito, I. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2020, May 30-June 4). The impact of digital literacies on teacher candidates’ nature of science conceptions [Paper*]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2020 Conference. (Co-author)
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2020, April 17-21). Science teachers’ understandings and implementation of differentiated instruction in Ontario high schools [In-Progress Research Paper*]. American Educational Research Association (AERA Division D) 2020 Conference.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2020, March 31-April 3). The analysis of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) biology curriculum [Paper]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2020 Conference, Virtual.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2020, March 31-April 3). Science teachers’ understandings and implementation of differentiated instruction in Ontario high schools [Poster]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2020 Conference, Virtual.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2020, March 26-27). Incorporating high school students' voices using lab work [Paper*]. Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO) 2020 Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2019, April 3-5). The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) biology curriculum under the progressivism curriculum ideology lens [Paper]. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS) 2019 Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2019, March 29). Differentiated instruction in biology secondary classes: A review of the literature [Roundtable]. 10th Robert Macmillan Symposium in Education (RMSE), London, ON.
- Khishfe, R. & Estaiteyeh, M. (2011, April 3-6). The application of nature of science understandings into unfamiliar contexts: Is it possible [Paper]. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2011 Conference, Orlando, FL. (Co-author)
*: Paper accepted but conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic
(last updated August 2022) For an updated list:
- DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, (2022). Online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring STEM teachers' curriculum and assessment practices in Canada. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 4(8).
- DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, (2022). Transitioning to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploration of STEM teachers’ views, successes, and challenges. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31(3). 340–356.
- DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (in press). STEM teachers’ transition to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian context. In H. Burgsteiner & G. Krammer (Eds.), Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic’s distance learning on students and teachers in schools and in higher education – International perspectives. Leykam.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (2021). Differentiated instruction in science classrooms: The potential role of technology. In D. Anderson, M. Milner-Bolotin, R. Santos, & S. Petrina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021). (pp. 116-123). University of British Columbia.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (under review). Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ views and understandings of differentiated instruction.
- Estaiteyeh, M. (under review). Exploring STEM teacher candidates’ aspirations and long-term implementation of differentiated instruction.
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (under review). Equity, diversity, and inclusion in digital video games: A case study of STEM teacher candidates.
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (under review). STEM teacher candidates’ development of digital curriculum resources with a focus on differentiated instruction.
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (under review). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM teacher education: Developing case studies of socio-scientific issues focusing on differentiated instruction.
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (under review). Designing a course in teacher education to enhance teacher candidates’ conceptions of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- Estaiteyeh, , & DeCoito, I. (under review). Empowering teacher candidates to implement differentiated instruction in a STEM curriculum and pedagogy course.
- Patel, P., DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2020, October). Space Explorers Academy: A unique expert led outreach program to engage youth in space. In Proceedings of the 71st International Astronautical Congress- The Cyberspace Edition. International Astronautical Federation (IAF). Washington, DC.
- Lessons Learned… What Did the Pandemic Reveal About K-12 Educational Systems? (December, 2020), Medium Website
- Five Things Educators Need to Improve After the Pandemic (March 18, 2020), Medium Website
Additional Information
Media Appearances
- Interview about winning the “Recognition Award for Theses and Dissertations on
Teacher Education.” (April 8, 2022) - Interview about Ontario teachers’ experiences with online teaching (March 21, 2022) - Interview with VoicEd Radio. Ontario Teachers’ Experiences with Online Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hurley in the Morning: Let’s Talk Education Podcast. (February 22, 2022) - Interview with VoicEd Radio. Enhancing STEM Teacher Candidates’ Understanding and Implementation of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion through Differentiated Instruction. Off the Shelf Podcast. (January 19, 2022)
- Co-President of the Canadian Committee for Graduate Students in Education (CCGSE), (January 2021-June 2022), and Mentorship Award Program Chair (April 2020-June 2022)
- Graduate Students’ Liaison at the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Education, Western University (October 2020-July 2021)
- President of the Education Graduate Student Association (EGSA), Western University (April 2019-May 2020)
- Member of the Senate Committee for University Planning (SCUP) (July 2021-June 2022)
- Member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Environment and Sustainability, Research, Teaching & Learning Working Group (July 2021-June 2022)
- Member of the Search Committee for Associate Vice President (Research) - Innovation and Strategic Partnerships (July 2021-April 2022)
- Member of the Selection Committee for Associate Dean of Graduate Education and the Faculty Appointment’s Committee, Faculty of Education, Western University (January 2021-January 2022)
- Member of the Teacher Education Design Group, Faculty of Education, Western University (September 2020-July 2022)
- Member of the Subcommittee on Program Review- Graduate Programs (SUPR-G), Western University (July 2019-June 2021)
- Member of the Graduate Student Committee- National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) (April 2020-current)
- Member of the Graduate Education Council (GEC) of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS), Western University (July 2019-June 2020)
- Member of the Equity Committee, Faculty of Education, Western University (November 2019-current)
- Ontario College of Teachers OCT (Registration Number 699822)