Shelley Taylor

Dr. Shelley Taylor, PhD

Professor & Director, DELF/DALF - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics

Dr. Shelley Taylor, PhD

Professor & Director, DELF/DALF - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics

She has taught the following graduate courses in the Faculty of Education:

I - Applied Linguistics (MA & PhD)

Case study & ethnography
Critical issues in second language & literacy education
Critical pedagogy
Culturally & linguistically sustaining pedagogy
Diverse traditions in research methodology
Minority language issues

II - Masters of Professional Education in TESOL

Curriculum design & materials development
Social approaches to language teaching & learning
Understanding second language learning & teaching

III - Masters of Professional Education in French Studies

L’acquisition des langues secondes
Le cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues
L’éveil aux langues [Critical language awareness]

She is an English/French/Danish trilingual with strong interests in language learning and teaching. She learned Spanish, Russian, German,Hebrew & Turkish in natural and classroom environments, and draws on these experiences in her research and graduate teaching. Her research is primarily qualitative with a penchant for ethnographic research involving school-aged minority language students in programs designed with different student populations in mind; hence, the title of her PhD thesis: "Trilingualism by design? An investigation into the educational experience of Kurdish children schooled in Denmark.” Her broader research interests include issues of language, identity & power, bilingual education, content-based instruction, minority studies, ESL, & FSL.

Recent Publications

Editorial Roles

Taylor, S. K. (Ed.). (2009). TESOL Quarterly, 43(2), 309-344, 309-344. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications. (Invited symposium: “Imagining multilingual TESOL”).

Taylor, S. K., & Sakamoto, M. (Eds.). (2009). The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12(3), pp. 261-339. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. (Special issue: “Overcoming [macro/micro] constraints in the development of multilingualism”).

Taylor, S. K., & Cummins, J. (Eds.). (2011). Writing & Pedagogy, 3(2), 181-336. London, England: Equinox. (Special issue: “Identity texts, literacy engagement & multilingual classrooms”).

Taylor, S. K., & Snoddon, K. (Eds.). (2013). Special issue of TESOL Quarterly, 47(3), pp. 439-662. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications. (Special issue: “Plurilingualism in TESOL").

Little, D., & Taylor, S. K. (Eds.). (2013). Special issue of the Canadian Modern Language Review/Revue canadienne des langues modernes, 69(4), pp. 359-527. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Special issue: “Implementing the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio: Lessons for future research” / « Tirer des leçons des recherches empiriques sur la mise en œuvre du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues et du Portfolio européen des langues pour les recherches futures » [bilingual journal]).

Taylor, S. K., & Cutler, C. (2016). Special issue of the Canadian Modern Language Review/Revue canadienne des langues modernes, 72(4), 385-580. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Special issue: “Showcasing the translingual SL/FL classroom: strategies, practices, and beliefs” / « Les classes d'accueil et d'immersion : stratégies, pratiques et croyances » [bilingual journal]).

Taylor, S. K. (Ed.). (2004-2007). Bilingual Basics. (online TESOL publication; refereed prior to 2012).


Taylor, S. K. (2019). Multilingualism. In N. Schmitt & M. P. H. Rodgers (Eds.), An introduction to applied linguistics (3rd ed.; pp. 205-220). London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Taylor, S. K. (2019). Learning English in Denmark. Language Issues: The Journal for NATECLA (The National Association for Teaching English & Other Community Languages to Adults), 10-12. (Special issue: “Learning English in European countries”).

Taylor, S. K. (2018). Development of speaking skills in children versus adult L2 learners. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. (Vol. V, Teaching speaking & pronunciation). [online]. doi:10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0237

Taylor, S. K., Faez, F., & Despagne, C. (2018). Critical language awareness. In John I. Liontas, Editor in Chief (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini; Vol. Ed.: Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. (Vol. I, Teaching English as an international language/TEIL). (pp. 73-86) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Faez, F., & Taylor, S. K. (2018). Language planning in teaching English as an international language. In J. I. Liontas, TESOL International Association & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. (Vol. I, TEIL). [online]. doi:10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0687

Arnott, S., Brogden, L., Faez, F., Piccardo, E., Rehner, K., Peguret, M., Taylor, S. K., & Wernicke, M., (2017). Implementing the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in Canada: A research agenda. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 20(2), 31-54..

Taylor, S. K., & Cutler, C. (2016a). Introduction: Les classes d’accueil et d’immersion : stratégies, pratiques et croyances. Canadian Modern Language Review/Revue canadienne des langues modernes, 72(4), 405-422.

Taylor, S. K., & Cutler, C. (2016b). Introduction: Showcasing the translingual FL/SL classroom: Strategies, practices & beliefs. Canadian Modern Language Review/Revue canadienne des langues modernes, 72(4), 389-404.

Taylor, S. K. (2016c). Sproglige og kulturelle vidensfonde i klasseværelset [Linguistic & cultural “funds of knowledge” in worlds-in-a-classroom]. Sprogforum [Journal of Language & Culture Pedagogy], 62, 37-44.

Taylor, S. K. (2014). From ‘monolingual’ multilingual classrooms to ‘multilingual’ multilingual classrooms: Managing cultural and linguistic diversity in the Nepali educational system. In D. Little, C. Leung & P. Van Avermaet (Eds.), Managing diversity in education: key issues and some responses (pp. 259-274). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Taylor, S. K. (2014). Network: Adapting mainstream learning environments to and for learners from migrant backgrounds: AILA Matters. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(1), 143-144.

Russette, A., & Taylor, S. K. (2014). Pedagogy and learning environment in a Franco-Ontarian child care centre. Language & Literacy: A Canadian e-Journal, 16(2), 131-147.

Taylor, S. K. (2013a). Immersion. In J. Ainsworth (Ed.), Sociology of education: An A-to-Z guide. Vol. I (pp. 374-376). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Taylor, S. K. (2013b). Kanada’da cokdilliliğe karşı kast sistemi yaklaşımı: Fransızca cokdillileştirme programında dilsel ve kulturel azınlık cocukları [The caste system approach to multilingual education in Canada: Linguistic and cultural minority children in French immersion]. In T. Skutnabb-Kangas, R. Phillipson, A. K. Mohanty & M. Panda (Editörler [Editors]). Çokdilli eğitim yoluyla toplumsal adalet [Social justice through multilingual education] (pp. 249-275). Ankara, Turkey. Tarafından Türkçe tercüme Prof. Dr. Fatma Gök & M. Şerif Derince. Eğitim Sen Yayınları. [Translated into Turkish by Prof. Dr. Fatma Gök & M. Şerif Derince. Eğitim Sen Publications].

Little, D., & Taylor, S. K. (2013). Introduction: Implementing the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the European Language Portfolio: Lessons for future research / Introduction : Tirer des leçons des recherches empiriques sur la mise en œuvre du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues et du Portfolio européen des langues pour les recherches futures : Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 69(4), 1-16.

Taylor, S. K., & Snoddon, K. (2013). Plurilingualism in TESOL: Promising controversies.TESOL Quarterly, 47(3), 439-445.

Taylor, S. K. (2011). Identity texts as decolonized writing: Beyond the cowboys and Indians meta-narrative. Writing & Pedagogy, 3(2), 289-304.

Taylor, S. K., & Cummins, J. (2011). Second language writing practices, identity & the academic achievement of children from marginalized social groups: A comprehensive view. Writing & Pedagogy, 3(2), 181-188.

Cumming, A., Wesche, M., & Taylor, S. K. (2011). Mindeord om Kirsten Haastrup: Canadians remember [Tribute to Kirsten Haastrup]. Sprogforum - Tidsskrift for Sprog- og Kulturpædagogik, 49/50 [Language Forum - Journal for Language & Cultural Pedagogy],49/50, 163-165. (Special issue: “Jubilæum—50 issues of the journal”).

Faez, F., Taylor, S. K., Majhanovich, S., Brown, P., & Smith, M. (2011). Teacher reactions to CEFR’s task-based approach for FSL classrooms. Synergy Europe, 6, 109-120.

Faez, F., Majhanovich, S., Taylor, S. K., Smith, M., & Crowley, K. (2011). The power of “Can Do” statements: Teachers’ perceptions of promoting learner autonomy in French as second language classrooms in Canada. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14(2), pp. 1-19. (Special issue on Trends in Second Language Teaching and Teacher Education).

Taylor, S. K. (2010-a). Beyond bilingual education: Multilingual language education in Nepal. GiST Education and Learning Research Journal, 4, 138-154.

Taylor, S. K. (2010-b). On the threshold of better understanding: How to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Thresholds in Education, 36(3 & 4), 11-18.

Taylor, S. K. (2009-a). Educator macrostrategies and child L2 learning strategies: A case study. Contact, 35(2), 20-31.

Taylor, S. K. (2009-b). Paving the way to a more multilingual TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 43(2), 309-313.

Taylor, S. K. (2009-c). Right pedagogy, wrong language, & caring in times of fear: Issues in the schooling of ethnic Kurdish children in Denmark. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12(3), 291-307.

Taylor, S. K. (2009-d). Tongue-tied no more? Beyond linguistic colonialization of multilingual children in the public school system. Race, ethnicity and education, 12(3), 417-426.

Taylor, S. K., & Sakamoto, M. (2009). Conclusion: Language and power à la Jim Cummins (Special issue). The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12(3), 346-348

Sakamoto, M., & Taylor, S. K. (2009). Introduction: Overcoming micro- (school-based) and macro- (societal) level constraints in the development of bilingualism and multilingualism. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 12(3), 273-275.

Kotsopoulos, D., & Taylor, S. K. (2005). Appropriating the discourse of language in mathematics education. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 4, 455-462.

Taylor, S. K. (1998-a). Beyond ‘belief': Variance in models of content-based instruction and school success among minority language learners. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée/ASLA [Swiss Review of Applied Linguistics/VALS], 67, 61-83.

Taylor, S. K. (1998-b). Witch fever: A case history of critical literacy in bi-/multilingual learners. The California Reader, 31(3), 14-17 & 21.

Taylor, S. K. (1997-a). ‘I treat them all the same': Educator role definitions and child multilingualism in minorities in a minority. Københavnerstudier i tosprogethed, 27 [Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism, 27], 159-185.

Taylor, S. K. (1997-b). ‘If seven year-olds could . . .': Danish submersion viewed from the outside. Københavnerstudier i tosprogethed, 28 [Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism, 28], 31-58.

Taylor, S. K. & Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1996/1997). Sleights of hand (and of pen): A reply to Yağmur. TESOL Matters, 6(6), 19.

Taylor, S. (1995/1996). A technique for analysing educational language rights across nations. TESOL Matters, 5(6), 14. (Featured article December 1995/January 1996).

Taylor, S. K. (1995). 'Contact is NOT enough!': Advantages of transnational cooperation in the education of dominant and subordinated group children. Regional Contact, IX(10), 206-213.

Lapkin, S., Harley, B. & Taylor, S. K. (1993). Research directions for core French in Canada. Canadian Modern Language Review, 49(3), 476-513.

Taylor, S. (1992). Victor: A case study of a Cantonese child in early French immersion. Canadian Modern Language Review, 48(4), 736 759.

Teaching and Supervision

Research in Education

This course reviews issues of theory and methods in education research. Language, principles, reasoning, methodologies, and tests of validity for both quantitative and qualitative research will be critically examined.

Aims, Goals, Objectives, Outcomes:
This is a senior graduate course designed to provide students with a deeper knowledge and understanding of key issues related to conducting educational research. It deals with philosophical, epistemological, political and ethical issues and is designed to equip students with a necessary basis for understanding the language, principles, reasoning and methodologies of both qualitative and quantitative orientations to conducting research which need not be conceived as mutually exclusive approaches.


Ce cours a pour but de familiariser les étudiants avec les théories sur le bilinguisme de façon à pouvoir prendre en compte ces connaissances dans la recherche, que ce soit en milieu bilingue ou plurilingue, ou en rapport avec l'enseignement des langues. Il est composé de douze séances, dont les premières concernent plus particulièrement l'individu faisant l’acquisition ou ayant recours à deux ou plusieurs langues. Les séances subséquentes abordent l’étude du bilinguisme de l’optique des théories sur la linguistique pédagogique pour mieux comprendre le développement du bilinguisme en milieu scolaire. Finalement, on examine le décalage qui peut exister entre la théorie et la mise en pratique, prenant comme exemples la réaction publique à l’éducation bilingue en milieux divers. Donc, dans un premier temps, on se concentre sur des notions de base au niveau du bilinguisme individuel dont le bilinguisme «balancé» ou «asymétrique», le bilinguisme enfantin et les atouts cognitifs qui peuvent en résulter, le bilinguisme d’élite, etc. Par la suite, les séances seront consacrées à des aspects éducatifs et pédagogiques du bilinguisme. On examinera des explications théoriques touchant sur le développement du bilinguisme suite à des interactions langagières au sein du système scolaire (le développement de la compétence communicative en L1 et en L2, les habiletés de communication interpersonnelle comparées aux habiletés de communication analytique-cognitive, le rôle relatif du statut des langues, etc.). Finalement, on se penchera sur la réalisation des programmes d’éducation bilingue, programmes controversés si la population estudiantine en question représente le groupe minoritaire, non pas le groupe majoritaire, d’une société. Pour conclure, on analysera l’argumentation des défenseurs et des adversaires de l’éducation bilingue au Canada et aux États-Unis.

First & second language acquisition

In this course, candidates will examine ongoing and more recent concerns, issues, and debates in applied linguistics that currently inform second language acquisition (SLA) research and second/foreign language teaching. Among the concerns, issues, and debates to be explored are: (a) What does second language (L2) proficiency entail? What promotes L2 proficiency? What is the relationship between L2 proficiency and overall academic achievement? What is the role of L2 instruction in promoting L2 proficiency? How does L2 proficiency influence learners’ ability to reference reading material? (b) Can one ever “learn” an L2 or can an L2 only be “acquired”? Can one separate L2 acquisition and learning? Which instructional innovations heighten grammatical accuracy (focus-on-form) yet maintain/enhance communicative competence? (c) What is the role of mother tongue (L1) development in L2 learning (e.g., the Interdependence hypothesis)? How do different L1s influence learning different L2s? How can L2 educators draw on learners’ L1 knowledge to heighten their L2 proficiency? (d) What can L2 educators do to promote learners’ L2 learning strategies and socio-academic success? What is the role of learner perceptions and emotions in SLA? (e) How can these issues be accounted for in L2 program planning, evaluation, and teacher preparation? Issues in Second Language Teaching and Learning is a broadly based course designed to meet the needs of a wide spectrum of language educators with experience in elementary, secondary, or college language teaching.

Issues in L2 teaching & learning

In this course--of interest to language educators with experience in elementary, secondary, or college/university level language teaching--students will explore theories of first, second and additional language acquisition and the relationships, if any, between them. The focus of the course is on the acquisition process, and instructional and environmental influences on language acquisition as both have bearing upon the extent and success of acquisition or, at times, language loss.

Langues minoritaires

Ce cours servira d=introduction à un champs d=études multidisciplinaire, celui des langues minoritaires. Compte tenu de la signification de certaines notions d=usage courant qui demeurent floues (par exemple, de la langue maternelle), on introduira des notions de base pour répondre à des questions dont (i) langue minoritaire/langue majoritaire, comment différencier entre les deux ? (par le nombre de locuteurs ou le statut officiel ou national de la langue ?), (ii) comment classifier les droits linguistiques qui (ne) sont (pas) accordés aux groupes ethnolinguistiques divers dans des contextes internationaux ? (iii) quelles peuvent être les répercussions socioculturelles du maintien ou de la mort (dit *linguicide+) d=une langue minoritaire ? On répondra à ces questions tout en proposant des outils d=analyse et de différentes réponses linguistiques, sociales et éducatives.

Minority language issues in education

Course Objectives:

  • to introduce students to principles of minority language learning and teaching Students will identify factors in the first and second language learning experiences of minority language speakers, note differences in the educational experience of minority and majority language speakers, and examine the implications of these factors and differences for teaching minority language speakers.
  • to acquaint students with minority language issues which recur in different settings Students will be encouraged to focus on a particular minority language group and analyse minority language issues which arise in the education of that group.
  • to encourage students to become more aware of beliefs, assumptions and educational structures Students may explore this topic by way of an empirical study or research paper.

Ph.D. Theses

In Progress - Faculty of Education, Western University

Attaia, Shaden. Discrimination and social justice: Non-native English-speaking teachers in the Canadian and Emirate job markets (expected completion, 2023)

Liang, Wenmin. Student voice & making content comprehensible for language minorities: A case study of a Canadian content-based ESL program (expected completion, 2023)

Hakooz, Yasmeen. Drawing on 3rd Space to investigate Canadian Muslim identity and its impact on schooling (Co-supervision with Goli Rezai-Rashti; expected completion, 2022)

Killick, Natalie. Intertextuality in film for second language comprehension (expected completion, 2022)

Paterson, Kate. Learning to teach for equity, diversity, and social justice: An examination of initial teacher education in Ontario (expected completion, 2022)


Completed - Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Western University

Akpene Gomashie, Grace. The language vitality of Nahuatl in Santiago Tlaxco, Mexico (Co-supervision with Joyce Bruhn de Garavito, 2020)


Completed - Faculty of Education, Western University

Russette, Alan. Why learn a minority second language? An investigation into the motivations, investment, and lived experiences of non-heritage minority second language learners (2020)

García-Allén, Ana. The flipped Spanish classroom: Student engagement, satisfaction and autonomy (Co-supervision with Joyce Bruhn de Garavito, 2020)

Chen, Le. The enactment of academic language policy in the international university (2018)

Kozak, Jennifer. Social transformation & investment in Spanish language learning through international service learning: a case study (Co-supervision with Marianne Larsen, 2018)

Habibie, Pejman. An investigation into academic writing for publication by novice scholars: Practices of Canadian Anglophone doctoral students (2015)

Fyn, Dawn. Our stories: Inuit teachers create counter narratives and disrupt the status quo (2014)

Li, Vickie. Learners’ stories: A study of Hong Kong students’ English learning experiences and identity construction (2014)

Despagne, Colette. An investigation into identity, power and autonomous EFL learning among Indigenous and minority students in post-secondary education: a Mexican case study (2013)


Masters Theses, MRP & Mémoire Supervision

In Progress - Faculty of Education, Western University

Capanema, Rebeca. Investigating the role of peer tutoring in TESOL


Completed - Faculty of Education, Western University

Newman, Alexis. An investigation into education & student views on the prospect of task-based language teaching increasing students’ motivation & improving their oral fluency in FSL (2017)

MacCormac, Katherine. Canada’s bilingual dilemma: A Critical discourse analysis approach to the study of official bilingualism and FSL education in Canada (2016)

Mui, Tiffany. Professional development based on the CEFR & the new Ontario French immersion curriculum: a case study on reflective practice (2015)

Russette, Alan. A case study of how pedagogical practices and learning environment are orchestrated in an Ontario Francophone day care centre (2013)

Aeini, Kayoumars. A comparative/international investigation into the organization and delivery of English Language Teaching to adults in Turkey and Canada (2011)

Ng, Tiffany. Cantonese Chinese heritage/international language programs & the promotion of Chinese language maintenance: an opportunity or a lost cause? (2011)

Bobyk, Helen. Gender differences in SLA (2010)

Shoukri, Lynn. What form of language education do immigrant parents want? An investigation into the educational desires of members of Ontario’s Arab community (2010)

Nelson, Ashley. Enhancing teacher effectiveness in teaching First Nations students (2009)

Quraishi, Waquar. Reading the students: Reading instruction in multilingual classrooms (2009)

Vanderveen, Tamara. Irish language maintenance and classroom motivation (2009)

Joubert, Amanda. Development of French grammar usage through the “Accelerative Integrated Method” (2008)

Liu, Yu. How do parents set up conditions to facilitate language and literacy development in a young Chinese-English bilingual child? A qualitative case study (2005)

Yang, Hong. Heritage language loss and maintenance by Chinese children from newly immigrant families in Canada (2005)

Kotsopoulos, Donna. Appropriating the discourse of language in mathematics education (2004)

Whalen, Shona. Future directions for French as a second language teaching in Ontario: rhetoric versus reality (2004)

So, Margaret. When the tables are turned: The language proficiency assessment test for English teachers in Hong Kong (2003)


Completed - Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Western University

Marroquin-Ponce, Silvia. La géographie d’une culture : une analyse sur la langue, la culture, l’identité et le sens de soi (2011)

Ahmadi Joobaneh, Mehrnaz. An investigation into second/foreign language education in the public-school system of modern-day Iran (2009)

Dakroub, Fida. La perte du français parlé en Ontario : Les facteurs extralinguistiques, le comportement linguistique et les conséquences structurales (2005)

Baldwin, Beth. L’influence du contexte sociolinguistique sur les programmes d’immersion et les théories d’acquisition (2004)

Paquin, Sarah. L’usage des stratégies : enseignement et application (2001)


Completed – College of Humanities, University of Utah

Krugman, Mark. Educational language issues involving Roma children in Eastern Europe (1997)

Linda Allington. The sociopolitical context of Deaf linguistic rights in education (1997)


Involvement in TESOL, AILA, ACLA & partnership with Jawaharlal Nehru University

TESOL International Association

  • Nominated for President-Elect, 2021-2022
  • Board of Directors, 2016-201
  • Conferences Professional Council - Strand Conceptualization Document Advisory Group, 2017-2019
  • Conferences Professional Council - Strands Development Working Group, 2016-2017
  • Task Force - Affiliate Relations, 2016
  • Task Force - Conferences of the Future, 2015-2017
  • Professional Development Committee, 2013-2016
  • TESOL 2015 Associate Convention Program Chair, 2013-2015
  • Nominating Committee, 2010-2011
  • Past Chair, Bi-Multilingual Education Interest Section (B-MEIS), 2009-2010
  • Chair, Bi-Multilingual Education Interest Section (B-MEIS), 2008-2009
  • Chair-elect & Acting Chair, Bi-Multilingual Education Interest Section (B-MEIS), 2007-2008

AILA - Association internationale de linguistique appliquée [International Association of Applied Linguistics]

ACLA /CAAL - Association canadienne de linguistique appliquée [Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics]

Partnership with Jawarharlal Nehru University in India & Western University in Canada

  • Co-director, Collaboration on Multilingual Education (with Dr. Minati Panda & Dr. Ajit Mohanty)