Dr. Kathryn Hibbert, PhD
Distinguished University Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
PhD (University of Western Ontario)
Dr. Kathryn Hibbert, PhD
Distinguished University Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
PhD (University of Western Ontario)
I grew up in rural Ontario and attended a small, two-room schoolhouse in the first grade. My siblings and I were the first generation in our family to attend post-secondary education. However, our education at home, I have come to learn, was quite unique.
In the mid 1970s, after the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War, my parents, along with two other couples in our community, made a decision that has profoundly altered many lives, my own included. Aware of the mass exodus of people from Vietnam (often referred to as 'boat people' at the time) they sponsored a family of refugees to aid in their resettlement. Our 'family' included a young married couple, their friend, a cousin and a young nephew. The youngest, only 8 years old at the time, had been tossed on the boat at the last minute by his desperate parents. He quickly became my new little brother, and I was thrilled at the chance to 'play teacher’ again. In my life up to that point, I had experienced little in the way of visible diversity so there was much to learn about this new family. We were challenged, for example, in our rural little corner of the world, to provide the quantities of fresh fish, seafood and rice that would bring them some of the comforts of a home that they had fled. We knew nothing of their culture, and very little of the conflict that brought them to Canada outside of media reports.
In true Freireian fashion however, as I began to teach my new brother and his family how to read and write 'the word', once we shared a language, they taught me a great deal more about 'reading the world'. As we were eventually able to share stories, I came to better understand how foreign and inadequate my little library of books was to them. The stories that our adopted family were eventually able to tell detailed the powerful, political and often tragic experiences that they had endured in their young lifetimes. I continue to process the lessons learned from them to this date.
As I moved into my professional teaching life in the early 1980s, the system I entered appeared starkly disconnected from the increasing social, cultural, ethnic or gender diversity we were meeting in the classroom. I could see it and feel it, but at the time, didn't really understand how to address it. It seemed that my job was to ensure that assimilation occurred. I don't know that I could articulate at the time what bothered me about the way our schools dealt with our immigrant students. I know that many of our culturally and linguistically diverse students ended up in special needs classrooms and I know that we had virtually no meaningful resources to teach with. I could not help thinking about how my very bright little Vietnamese brother must have felt about school.
I began teaching in the early 1980s, for the Kent County Board of Education (later Lambton Kent District School Board). As one of 2.5 teachers hired that year in a board with shrinking enrolment, I had the opportunity to experience teaching in many different settings: French, self-contained classroom as a special education teacher, learning resource teacher in the inclusive model, "regular" classroom teacher (JK-8) and as program staff with responsibility for the Gifted portfolio (Elementary and Secondary).
Many years ago, I received the dual diagnosis of "Giftedness and Learning Disabled". Both sides simply indicate learning differences. Understanding them has helped guide compensatory strategies I have long developed to address what I knew implicitly long before they were formally identified. They are differences on both ends of the spectrum we think of as 'normal' although they receive very different responses and resources.
When I entered the university setting in 2000, my doctoral studies focused on learning in the 'new' virtual learning environment. That led to a number of interdisciplinary contracts which allowed me to work in contexts outside of the traditional school setting and led to an interest in professions' education. After working on a project with Heart and Stroke Canada, I was cross-appointed to the Department of Medical Imagining (formerly Radiology & Nuclear Medicine) and began a Centre for Education in Medical Imaging.
The need for pedagogical knowledge and practice and educational approaches to research is growing. As a Centre Researcher at the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, I have had an opportunity to work with a thriving group of scientists who bring disciplinary and methodological diversity to our work together.
I have had the pleasure of working with professional organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria for more than 10 years. This collaboration led to a multi-year project following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in Japan. I work with the very brave first medical responders. Together we have redesigned the curriculum through a social practice lens (Science Technology Society).
Within the education setting, my interest in virtual learning, and the way we engaged with students from around the world led me to the field of multiliteracies (New London Group, Cope and Kalantzis). Communication systems are continuing to change. As we engage in discussions that have to cross cultures, languages disruptive technologies, we must look carefully at how literacies - as they are constructed in many different ways - enable or constrain our ability to participate fully in our lives.
In 2016, I became the founding Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice. The Centre values the input from all stakeholders as curriculum-makers. It offers us a way to think about how to consider the capacity of our Faculty of Education to build an engaging social infrastructure that allows us to work in meaningful ways with our local community, broader society and international partners. Learning is at the heart of what we do.
In 2018, I became the Associate Dean of Teacher Education and turned my attention to developing programmatic research in our TE program, redesigning in ways that respond to our students, calls for change in the literature, and changes in society’s need for education to be more connected to community.
My experience in 2019-2021 as Acting Dean allowed me to appreciate and critically interrogate the systemic structures in our institutional settings and the ways they may support or hinder individuals' or groups' abilities to do their work.
Kathy Hibbert, PhD.
Professor and Associate Dean,
Faculty of Education
Contact: khibbert@uwo.ca
1137 Western Rd., London, ON N6G 1G7
Areas of Research
- Teacher Education (Assessment, Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
- Curriculum assessment, pedagogies and learning by design (focus on Multiliteracies);
- Health professions' education; Multiliteracies in the professions;
- Understanding diversity through interdisciplinary education;
- Scholarship of teaching and learning with multiple ‘texts’ including mobile and digital;
- Qualitative research methodologies (e.g., critical narrative inquiry, socio-material approaches and visual methodologies)
In The News
2022: Western's Teacher Education Program Evolves
2021 Interview
How student voices enhance instructional design: The Western University story
2021 - Invited guest on The Teacher Hotline with Ronald Hae
2021 - Invited guest on The Curiosity Habit with Sayra Christancho
June 2020 - VoicEd Radio Podcast with Justin Meharchand
Jun 15, 2018 - British Educational Research Association
Recent Publications
Books: (2)
Williams, A, & Hibbert, K. (in preparation: phase 3/3). Learning about Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome: A rare illness viewed through the various perspectives of patients and their healthcare providers. (Completed phase two: two full years of data collection)
Rodger, S. Hibbert, K., Leschied, A ., Pickel, L., Stepien, M., Atkins, M.A., Koenig, A., Woods, J. & Vandermeer, M. (2014). Mental health education in Canada: An analysis of teacher education and provincial/territorial curricula. Toronto: PHE Canada
Edited Books: (4)
Hamilton, M., Heydon, R., Hibbert, K. & Stooke, R . (Eds). (2015). Negotiating spaces for literacy learning: Multimodality and governmentality. London, UK: Bloomsbury. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/negotiating-spaces-for-literacy-learning-9781472587466/
Hibbert, K. Chhem, R., Van Deven, T & Wang, S.C. (Eds.). (2012). Radiology Education: The Evaluation and Assessment of Clinical Competence. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783642275999
Van Deven, T., Hibbert, K. & Chhem, R. (Eds.), (2010). The Practice of Radiology Education: Challenges and Trends. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783642032349
Chhem, R. K., Hibbert, K., & Van Deven, T. (Eds.), (2009). Radiology Education: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783540689874
Chapters in Books: (40)
- Ott, M., Lombardie, J. & Hibbert, K. (in press). Stories form the learning tent: Reimagining practicum in teacher education. In J. Pattison-Meek & C. Phillips (Eds)., Pedagogies of Practicum. Peter Lang.
- Eaton, C., & Hibbert, K. (in press). Social literacies. In T. Skeen, S. Rankins-Robertson, D.
Roen (Eds.), Constructing the threshold: A reference work of concepts between teaching for transfer and teaching writing. WAC Clearinghouse. - Ott, M., Sanjeevan, T., Chang, L., Marfil, P., & Hibbert, K. (2022). The alternative field experience: Learning and mentoring in pandemic times (pp. 226-244). In P. Danyluk, A. Burns, L. S. Hill, & K. Crawford. (Eds.). Crisis and opportunity: How Canadian Bachelor of Education programs responded to the pandemic. In Canadian research in teacher education: A polygraph series (Vol. 11) [eBook]. Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for the Study of Education. http://dx.doi.org/10.11575/PRISM/39534
- Tangredi, D., Ott, M., Holbrough, K. & Hibbert, K. ( 2021). Classroom teachers as scholars: Engaging with their research as well as the research of others to inform professional practice. In C. Brown, J. Flood & S. MacGregor (Eds.), The research-informed teaching revolution North America: A handbook for the 21st-century teacher.
- Rodger, S., Hibbert, K., Sereda, M. & Specht, J. (2022) The trauma and violence-informed classroom, K-12. In N. Wathen & C. Varcoe, Implementing Trauma-and Violence-informed care: A handbook for health and social services. Toronto: U of T Press.
- Hibbert, K. Ott, M. & Swift, J. (2020). Assessing teacher candidates for professional practice. In J. Kitchen & D. Petrarca, (Eds.), (2022) Initial Teacher Education in Ontario: The Four-Semester Teacher Education Programs after Five Years, Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Association of Teacher Educators. PA
- Ott, M. Hibbert, K. (2020). Designing assessment for professional agency in teacher education. Canadian Association of Teacher Education Working Conference Book Series. C
- Cristall, F., Rodger, S. & Hibbert, K. (2020) Where love prevails: Student resilience and resistance in precarious places. In D. Gereluk & M. Corbett (Eds.), Rural Education Canada: Connecting Land and Pedagogy, London: Springer. CA
- Hibbert, K. (2020). Risk communication leading to residents' lives through the STS Approach: Transforming understanding through STS pedagogies. In Ohtsuru, M. Abdel-Wahab, Scholz & Colman, (Eds.), Guide for Medical Practitioners: Compendium to address low-dose radiation concerns of local populations returning to former evacuation sites using STS paradigms/concepts and approaches. International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Human Health, Vienna, Austria.
Refereed Journal Articles: (44)
- Ott, M., Dengler, L., Hibbert, K. & Ott, M. (submitted). Programmatic teaching: Exploring principled adaptations to competence by design.
- Chhem, R. & Hibbert, K. (invited-submitted) Education in the AI Metaverse: The future is here! The Future of Education. In Digital Insights, Konrad Adenauer Siftung
- Chen, Y., Cole, R., Friesen, D., Hobbs, K., Rouse, J. & Hibbert, K. (in preparation). Rethinking admission practices in Teacher Education. (analysis complete; drafting article)
- Ott, M., Swift, J., & Hibbert, K. (in preparation). How do we go from glow to grow? Fostering an inquiry stance with/in teacher candidates.
- Ott, M., Kassen, J., & Hibbert, K. (2022). Magic and Monsters: Collaborating with Google in 21st Century Literacies. Language and Literacy, 24(2), 62–84. https://doi.org/10.20360/langandlit29603
- Cristancho, C. Field, E., Lingard, L., Taylor, T., Hibbert, K., Thompson, G & Hibbert, W. (2022) Ecological interchangeability: Supporting adaptive expertise in moments of disruption. Advances in Health Sciences Education.
- Ott, M., Sanjeevan, T., Chang, L. Marfil, P & Hibbert, K. (submitted). The alternative field experience in Teacher Education: Lessons from experiential learning and mentoring in pandemic times.
- Rodger, S., Bird, R., Hibbert, K., Johnson, A.M., Specht, J., Wathen, C.N. (2020). Initial teacher education and trauma and violence informed care in the classroom: Preliminary results from an online teacher education course. Psychology in the Schools, 57, 1798– 1814. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22373
- Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2021). Designing Assessment for Professional Agency. In J. Nickel & M. Jacobsenn (Eds). Preparing teachers as curriculum designers. Canadian Association fo Teacher Education (CATE) Polygraph.
Publications (non-peer reviewed)
Hibbert, K. (2020). The view from Canada. Commissioned for the British Research Association’s quarterly magazine, Research Intelligence. May, 2020.
Hibbert, K. & Chhem, R. (2020). One pandemic, one planet. The impetus for Global solidarity. Asian Vision Institute, 2020(13).
Priestley, M., Phillippou, S., Alvunger, D., Hibbert, K., Leat, D. Nieveen, N., Sinnema, C. Soini, T. (2018). Curriculum studies: a re-emerging field of inquiry. Introducing the new Editors of the British Educational Research Journal. Research Intelligencer.
Hibbert, K. (2018). Multiliteracies in practice: A call to creativity. English Language Learning, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Rodger, S. Hibbert, K. & Leschied, A.(2017) Teach Resiliency: A resource for teacher and student wellness. Education Canada, Sept. 2017. Available: https://www.edcan.ca/articles/teach-resiliency/
Cameron, D. H., Watkins, E. & Kidder, A. (2015). Measuring what matters 2014-2015: Moving from theory to practice. Toronto: People for Education. Hibbert, K. Key Contributor. Available: http://peopleforeducation.ca/measuring-what-matters/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/P4E-MWM-From-Theory-to-Practice-2014-15.pdf
Ros, S., Hibbert, K., Rosenblatt, E. & Chhem, R. 2014. Influences of ‘mobile’ education and training programmes on global radiation medicine specialists. Experiences from the IAEA-NAHU. International Atomic Energy Agency NUCLEUS (For Nuclear Knowledge and Information)
Teaching and Supervision
- Courses
- Doctoral Seminar (ED 9715) 2015-16; 2016-2017; 2022-2023
- Multiliteracies: Texts and contexts (ED 9536) 2013
- Narrative Inquiry: Teachers, stories and critical pedagogy (ED 9576) 2013W, 2013F, 2015S, 2015F
- Introduction to Curriculum (ED 9580) UWO, 2009, 2010, 2011,
- Introduction to Curriculum (ED 6101) (UNB) (2007)
- Talking About Teaching: Forms of Pedagogic Discourse 574 (UWO) (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
- Teaching in a Virtual World 520 (UWO) (2005, 2006)
- Introduction to Research Methods 6902 (UNB) (2005)
- Supplementary Units/Lectures
- Critical Narrative Inquiry as Methodology
Department of Cognitive Linguistics, Institute for Cognitive Studies, Tehran, Iran
(Dr. Mehdi Purmohammad) February 8, 2018. - Writing Masterclass
Four part series presented to first year curriculum doctoral students, May 2016. - Approaches to Research in Health Professions Education, May, 2013
The Canadian-Maastricht Masters of Health Professions Education (MHPE), Centre for Education, Research and Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University. - Becoming critical consumers and producers of texts through multiliteracies: Participatory pedagogies and methodologies. ED 9536 Multiliteracies: Texts and Contexts (Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou), Faculty of Education, Western University, London, ON. March 6.
- Issues in medical education through the theoretical perspectives of an educational researcher. “Medical Education Research: Theoretical Basis and Methodologies”, Unit for Medical Education (ME), Department of Learning, Informatics Management and Ethics (LIME), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. February 25, 2014. (Dr. Charlotte Silen)
- Critical Narrative Inquiry as Methodology
Continuing Teacher Education:
- Additional Qualifications for Teachers, Reading Part 1 (2001, 2002, 2003)
- Additional Qualifications for Teachers, Reading Specialist (2001)
- AQ Instructors’ Course (2003-2005) (2003 -2005, 2006)
- A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies 5452Q (2010, X3 sections) (2010)
- English Language Arts in the Intermediate Senior Division 5208 (2008, 2009)
- English Language Arts in the Elementary School 5105 (2008, 2009)
- Teaching and Learning Theory 72: J/I Language Arts Lectures (2005)
- Teaching and Learning Theory 72: J/I Language Arts Workshops (2000-2003)
Ph.D. Thesis (39)
- Hobbs, Kevin.
- Katie MacCormac. (transferred to my Supervision June 2018). Being and becoming multilingual within Canadian French as a second language education: A multimodal narrative exploration (defended Oct 23)
- 2017 Yi Chen, Exploring Teacher Agency in Gamified Pedagogy
- 2017 J. Dombroski About Death and Dying: Thanatology’s place in medical curriculum. (defended Sept, 2023).
- 2016 Lane, C.A. (Co- S: Crooks). “Gaming my Hidden Voice”: How boys’ video gaming experiences influence how they develop, adopt and share cultural meanings of practice in schools. (transferred to DeCoito, Spring 2017; defended February 2018).
- 2016 Millar, K. (Lingard, HPE) What do patients with multiple admissions learn about the transition from hospital to home? (Proposal defended March, 2017)
- Alhem Tabib, (Zhang). Multimodality and ESL?EAP: A case study of aligning assessment with digital curriculum.
- 2016 Ibdah, S. (Committee: Heydon). How official literacy curricula align with 21st C learning: A critical discourse analysis of programmatic literacy curricula from Ontario, Canada and Massachusetts, USA. (defended 2020)
- 2016 Ott, M. (Supervisor) Towards participatory assessment (proposal defended 2017)
*winner, John Dearness Memorial Award 2016
*winner, Art Geddis Learning About Teaching Memorial Award
*winner Joseph-Armand Bombardier Scholarship 2018-2021
Post-doctoral fellowship in Surgery at CERI - 2016 Eaton, C. (Supervisor) Writing at the College Level (proposal defended 2018) Assistant Professor at U of T (Mississauga), July 2020.
- 2016 Swift, J. (Supervisor) Inquiry Education. (data analysis)
- 2015 Sun, L. (Supervisor) A critical narrative inquiry of English Teachers’ experiences of enacting a pedagogy of multiliteracies in China. (Defended Spring 2019)
- Cooper, E (Heydon). Constructing Opportunities: A multiple case study of the semiotic demands and supports in elementary classroom curricula. (defended 2019) Assistant Professor, Cambridge University, UK.
- 2015 White, Amber (Committee, Namukasa). Feasting as curriculum>
- 2015 Tran, Annie (Heydon). Multimodal dissertations: Opportunities for multimodality in Higher Education. (Defended May 2019)
- 2015 Seabrook, E. (Supervisor) (Health Professions Education) The archeology of nursing in Ontario Canada from 1950-2017: Unearthing the history of entry-to-practice education.
- 2015 Gollan-Wills, M. (Supervisor) Re-conceptualizing how we respond to secondary gifted learners’ needs: A critical narrative and ANT approach investigating programming and placement in Ontario’s public education. (Defended February 2022.)
- 2015 McKee, L. (Committee) (Heydon) Learning stories: a case study of early primary educators creating and enacting multimodal pedagogies into classroom literacy lessons (Defended Dec. 2017; hired St. Francis Xavier University)
*winner Western University Doctoral Excellence Research Award 2016-18
*winner Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship (2015-2018)
*winner, Art Geddis Learning About Teaching Memorial Award (2016) - 2015 Nagel, J. (Committee) (Heydon) Lifewords in professional learning: Exploring the lived curriculum of educators in an online graduate program focused on multiliteracies pedagogy. (Defended Fall 2019)
- 2015 Stepiens, M. (Supervisor) Socio-emotional learning (Convocated with Masters’ Degree, 2017)
- 2015 Melabiotis, I. (Committee) (Specht). Students’ stories of their learning motivation in inclusive, arts-integrated learning environments. (convocated)
- 2015 Carvalho, A. (Committee) (Rich, NU) Into the silence: A critical narrative of student choice and identity in a private career college in Northern Ontario. (Successfully defended February 2018)
- 2014 McIntosh, C. (Committee) Motivational interviewing as a nutritional education approach. Nipissing University, North Bay. (Rich). Defended April 2017.
- 2014 Yijuan Ge (Supervisor), Multimodal Reading with Parents of Young Children in China (Proposal Defended April 2017)
- 2014 Sauder, A. (Supervisor) Examining gifted students' transition to university and its influence on learning. (Defended Aug. 2015)
- 2014 Atkins, M.A. (Committee) (Rodger). A mixed-methods approach to challenging stigma at a Faculty of Education. (Defended August 2, 2016).
- 2013 Couchman, C. (Supervisor). Digital identities in higher education (moved to EdD 2016)
- 2013 Burm, S. (Supervisor). Tracing the strategic and relational practices of the Ontario First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework through the stories told by educators. (Defended 2016)
- 2011 Aryee, Kinful Lartebea, Health Information Literacy: Unveiling the Promise of Mobile Handheld Technological Devices in Health Education amongst Adults in Rural Communities in Ghana. (Committee) Namukasa (defended April 2014)
- 2011 Allison, Carac Allison, Emerging Technologies and Their Impact in Online Learning. (Supervisor) (Withdrawn).
- 2011 Burleigh, Dawn. (Committee) Coulter. Teachers’ work in a remote First Nations community in northern Ontario: A case study. (Defended April 2016)
- 2011 O’Neil, Peggy. (Co-Supervisor with Ellett). Beyond Teams: Toward a Philosophy of Inter-Professional Education. (transferred to M. McNay in 2015, new topic).
- 2011 Culliton, Sharon. Modifying patient expectations and satisfaction following primary total knee arthroplasty. (Committee) Chesworth (Health & Rehab Sciences) (Defended August 2016)
- 2011 Duncan, C.M. The culture of research utilization within a nursing education curriculum‐inaction? (Committee) Iwasiw: (Health Sciences) (Defended 2015)
- 2010 Pajot, Michelle. Designing Open Space(s) for Critical Reflection and Civic Engagement through Experiential Learning Strategies: a studio-based approach (Committee) De Luca (Health Sciences) Expected defense August 2017)
- 2009 Crocker, W. Literacy lessons from Mennonite children: what elementary school principals could learn (Committee) Heydon. (Defended 2013)
- 2009 Linaker, Kat. An exploration of the student learning experience in diagnostic radiology education, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. College, Chicago. Educational Policy and Leadership Studies. (Committee) Williams. (Defended 2012).
- 2009 Amirmooradian Malhami, Ani Academic literacies as ‘documenting becoming’ through mixed genre texts (Supervisor) (defended 2015)
- 2008 Coulson, Elizabeth Investigating Financial Literacy: Critical Democratic Practices and Instructional Technologies (Committee) Barnett (defended 2009)
M.Ed. Thesis (35)
- 2019 Sara DiMarco (Heydon). A study of gender representation in Silver Birch Award Nominees from 2009-2019: A Queer theory perspective. (Defended June 2020)
- 2019 Song Thuc Doan Nguyen (transferred to my Supervision; completed December 2019)
- 2018 Yuze, Gao (Committee – Zhang) Use of social media in China for teaching and learning. Defended 2019.
- 2017 Lori Dengler (Part-time) Health professional education
- 2017 Yin Wang, Expectations to Experience: Autoethnography of a Chinese International student; (Defended April 2019)
- 2016 Meng, X. (Committee) A pedagogy of multiliteracies into practice: A case study in one grade one classroom. (Defended 2016)
- 2016 Li, R. (Committee) Understanding Chinese English learners’ informal learning in an online community (Defended Spring 2018)
- 2016 Hu, Y. (Committee) A case study of new media literacies in an English Language course (Defended 2017)
- 2015 Dombrowski, J. (Supervisor) Expanding the concept of ‘care’: A narrative study exploring lessons from end-of-life patients to inform ‘Medical Assistance in Dying’ curriculum in Canada.(Defended 2017).
- 2014 Cassidy, J. (Committee) (Kehler) Superhero fiction and literacy learning. (Defended Sept. 2015)
- 2013 Newman, A. (Supervisor). Gaining insight into the experiences and educational needs of patients with inborn errors of metabolism. (Withdrawn)
- 2013 Eisazadeh, N. Committee (Stooke). Exploring preschool educators' funds of knowledge about print literacy pedagogy through the narrative lens. (Defended 2014)
- 2013 Gollan-Wills, M. (Supervisor) Enrichment Programming for Secondary School Gifted Students: A Narrative Inquiry (Defended 2014)
- 2013 Ott, M. (Supervisor). Assessment Narratives: The Affordances of Video Inquiry for Formative Assessment of Multiliteracies (Defended Spring 2016)
- 2012 Osler, P. Examining artistic process and transfer. (Committee) (Jarvis) (Defended 2014)
- 2012 Salloum, M. Bilinguals’ Emotional Expressiveness. (Committee) (Byrd-Clark). (Defended 2013)
- 2012 Ritz, S. Practicing Medicine through a Positional Lens: Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Heighten Awareness of Power and Privilege in Medical Learners (Supervisor). (Defended 2015)
- 2012 McKee, L. Print Literacy Learning Opportunities for Young Children in a Multimodal Literacy Ensemble (Committee) (Heydon) (Defended 2013)
- 2012 Yarmol, C. Listening to the voices of exceptional students to inform art pedagogy. (Supervisor) (Defended 2013)
- 2011 Walton, R. Together we stand, divided we fall: Partnerships in the full day early learning kindergarten. (Committee) Stooke (Defended 2013)
- 2011 Nywening, B. Talking to the test: Secondary school English teachers’ experiences with the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. (Committee: Pollock)
- 2010 Stripe, Jacquie. Openings for multiliteracies pedagogy within the language arts classroom: A case study. (Supervisor) (Defended 2012)
- 2009 Hunter, Mark. High-Fidelity Simulation: Panacea or Potential Problem? ( Committee: De Luca) (Defended 2015)
- 2009 Young, Linda A case study of Fanshawe College students’ perceptions of social networking services. (Committee:. Hansen) (Defended 2011)
- 2008 Callaghan, C.J. The Digital Couch (Supervisor) (Defended 2010)
- 2008 Bodkin, D. K-12 Online learning in Canada -Policy to implementation: A multi-case study of three provincial online learning initiatives. (Committee: Hansen) (Defended 2009)
- 2008 Christie, Catherine. Teaching in combined grades: The influence of experience on teacher attitudes and practice. (Supervisor) Defended 2010
- 2008 Owen, Jennifer MID Programming: A need for deconstruction and reconceptualization. (Heydon) LOA
- 2008 Hopkins, R. Virtual anatomy lab in student’s hands: Is it the same as the gross lab experience? (Committee: Wilson) (Defended 2010)
- 2007 Turgeon, R. ‘She carries the Earth on her back’ Scholar, Teacher, Mother, Anishinaabekwe (Co-Supervisor) (Defended 2009)
- 2008 Hazzard, Benjamin. Facilitating Teacher Partnerships for Cross-Classroom Collaboration (Supervisor) (Defended 2008)
- 2007 Persaud, Omadat Creating a sense of community in the learning environment: An investigation into collaborative learning among grade 12 students (Co-Supervisor) (Defended 2008)
- 2004. Lyons, Carrie. Students as teachers: Writing and representing in Grade Six (Committee) Heydon (Defended 2005)
- 2005 Begy, Jane, Transformational learning in a virtual learning environment (Co Supervisor) (Defended 2005)
- 2005 Balestrin, S. See Dick Read: Understanding Boys Who Read Well. (Committee) Rich (Defended 2005)
Knowledge Mobilization
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings (9)
Hibbert, K. (2019). Transforming understanding through STS pedagogies. Guide for Medical Practitioners: Compendium to address low-dose radiation concerns of local populations returning to former evacuation sites using STS paradigms. Joint publication of the Fukushima Medical University, The Government of Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Human Health.
Goldszmidt, M., Faden, L. Hibbert, K. DeLuca, S. Huda, N. & Boese, K. (2017). Values out of alignment: Exploring the influence of the sociomaterial on patient care in an academic health centre. Canadian Conference on Medical Education, (CCME), Montreal, PQ.
Boese, K., Faden, L., Deluca, S., Hibbert, K., Huda, N. & Goldszmidt, M. (2016). Everyday advocacy on the clinical teaching unit: Recognizing the importance of ‘chance encounters’. Medical Education, 50(S1), 24-133.
Culliton, S. Bryant, D., MacDonald, S. Hibbert, K, & Chesworth, B. (2017). Validity and internal consistency of the new Knee Society Knee Scoring System. 2017 Knee Society Proceedings. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (CORR).
Chhem, R., Engel-Hills, P., Rich, S. & Hibbert, K. (2010). Building a virtual "global community of learners" in radiation medicine: The IAEA model. 9 th European Conference on e-Learning. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal, November, 2010.
Hibbert, K. (2009). Cultivating capacity for phronetic ‘action’ to address the needs of diverse learners. International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO): Book of Extended Synopses. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.
Hibbert, K. & Van Deven, T. (2008). Diagnosing educational 'ills' in a medical setting: The case of scholarship in the radiology department. Conference proceedings of the 2008 AERA Annual Meeting, March 24-March 28, 2008, New York, NY.
Hibbert, K. (2004). Enunciative Space: Bridging the ‘Distance’ in Online Teacher Education . Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2004, Avila, Spain, July 16-19, 2004, pp. 1171-1174. Avila: IADIS Press.
Rich, S. & Hibbert, K. (2004). Designing an Online Course for Distance Education Course Instructors and Authors. Proceedings of the 20 th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. August 4-6, 2004. C
Presentations at Peer-Reviewed Conferences: (93)
Ott, M., Dengler, L. & Hibbert, K. (2023). Programmatic Teaching: Exploring adaptations to CMBE that realize the value for learners. Paper accepted for presentation to International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE), Halifax, NS, October 19-21, 2023.
Swift, J., Ott, M., & Hibbert, K. (2023). Imagining inquiry-based learning in the Ontario kindergarten classroom differently: A diffractive approach for untwisting curriculum [Paper presentation]. Provoking Curriculum Conference, 2023, Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies. Western University, Canada
Hibbert, K. (2021). Decoupling politics and health communication in a crisis: A role for Science, Technology and Society Studies. Presentation to the Technical Meeting on Radiation in Medicine Communications and Methodologies – International Perspectives and the Role of Science, Technology and Society in Low-Dose Radiation Settings, International Atomic Energy Agency, Hiroshima, Japan. November 9-11.
Swift, J. Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2023). How do we go from glow to grow? Nurturing an inquiry stance in teacher candidates. Paper submitted to CATE, CSSE, York University, May, 2023.
Friesen, D., Chen, Y., Cole, R., Estaiteyah, M., Hobbs, K., Ott, M., Rouse, J., Turgeon, R. & Hibbert, K. (2023). Re-imagining admissions: Part one in a plan for strong equity in teacher education. Paper presented to CATE, CSSE, York University, May, 2023.Hibbert, K., Chen, Y., Hobbs, K., Mentone, K., Ott, M. Swift, J. (2022). What does social justice innovation in Teacher Education curriculum look like? Paper presented to CACS, CSSE, 2022 [online].
Ott, M., Lombardi, J., Sanjeevan, T. & Hibbert, K. (2022). Stories from the learning tent: reimagining a pandemic practicum in Teacher Education. Paper accepted for presentation to CATE, CSSE.
Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2021). Surface and filter: Participating with Google in Digital Literacies. Canadian Society for Studies in Education [Language & Literacies Researchers of Canada SIG]. Virtual conference.
Hibbert, K. (2021). Decoupling politics and health communication in a crisis: A role for Science, Technology and Society Studies. Presentation to the Technical Meeting on Radiation in Medicine Communications and Methodologies – International Perspectives and the Role of Science, Technology and Society in Low-Dose Radiation Settings, International Atomic Energy Agency, Hiroshima, Japan. November 9-11.
Ott, M., Kassen, J., & Hibbert, K. (2021). Magic & monsters: Collaborating with Google in
21st-century literacies [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for Studies in Education [Language & Literacies Researchers of Canada SIG]. Virtual conference.
Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2021). Designing assessment for professional agency [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for Studies in Education [Canadian Association of Teacher Education SIG]. Virtual Conference.
Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2019). Designing teacher education for knowledge in practice. Paper accepted for a working conference of the Canadian Association of Teacher Educators, Wilfrid Laurier University, October 24-26, 2019.
Swift, J. & Hibbert, K. (2019). From surviving to thriving: Understanding and enacting rich practice in a competency based field. Paper submitted to the 4th European Conference on Curriculum Studies, Maynooth University, Ireland; June 7, 8, 2019.
Hibbert, K. Ott, M. & Chen, Y. (2019) Teacher agency: Repertoires for manoeuvre in an era of technology in Priestley, M., Phillippou, S., Alvunger, D., Hibbert, K., Leat, D. Nieveen, N., Sinnema, C. Soini, T. (2018). International perspectives on teacher agency. Symposium presentation at the annual AERA Conference, Toronto, Ontario, April 4-9, 2019.
Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2019). Assessing 21st Century learning: Improvisation and inquiry. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual AERA Conference, Toronto, Ontario, April 4-9, 2019.
Ott, M., McAlpine, K. & Hibbert, K. (2018). Seeing double: Design and enactments of a lesson on perspective-taking. Symposium presentation Curriculum making as social practice: Complex webs of enactment. 6 th World Curriculum Studies Conference, Melbourne Australia, Dec. 9-12, 2018.
Sun, L. & Hibbert, K. (2018). Recalibrating and contextualizing core competence in China through an analysis of primary English textbooks. Education and Social Progress: Insights from Comparative Perspectives. 11th Biennial Comparative Education Society of Asia, (CESA), Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Partridge, E. Specht, J., Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (presented). Empathy in Inclusive Classrooms: Exploring prosocial behaviour through children’s academic writing skills. International Congress of Applied Psychology, 29 th Annual Congress, Montreal, Canada, June 26-30, 2018.
Hibbert, K. (2017). When the doctor doesn’t know: The liminal space occupied by patients with cyclic vomiting syndrome. Paper presented at the annual Centre for Education Research and Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, ON.
Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2017). Enacted by design: video inquiry of a digital writing curriculum. Paper presented at the 3 rd European Conference on Curriculum Studies, University of Stirling, Scotland. (June: Ott and Hibbert presented).
Ott, M. & Hibbert, K. (2017) Technology-mediated participatory assessment for 21 st Century literacies. Paper presented to the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada, May 30, Toronto, ON. (Ott & Hibbert presented)
Rodger, S., Hibbert, K., Leschied, A. Masters, M. Tripp, T., Bird, R., Ott, M., Pyne, S. & Bourdage, R. (2017). TeachResiliency.ca: The development, launch and early pilot data for a mental health and wellness resource created with and for teachers. Canadian Society for Studies in Education, (CSSE) May 28, Toronto, ON. (Hibbert presented)
Hibbert, K., Williams, A. & Seabrook, L. (2017).What can I learn from you? Lives that are educative in the context of chronic illness. Paper presented at the International Society for Educational Biography (ISEB) Conference, Toronto, ON. April 19-21, 2017.
Hibbert, K. & Sun, L. (2017). Making pedagogical perceptions of formative assessment visible: A preliminary study of Chinese English teachers’ experiences with multiliteracies assessment.
Accepted for presentation at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, (CSSE) Annual Conference 28-31 May, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario. (Hibbert presented)
Hibbert, K., Faden, L., De Luca, S. Huda, N., Goldszchmidt, M. & Seabrook, L. (2017). A
sociomaterial approach to narrative inquiry: Disentangling assemblages of the human and material
for rich insight into a clinical teaching unit. Paper presented at the 3 rd International ProPeL Conference, Linköping University, Sweden, June 2017.
Goldszmidt, M. Faden, L. Hibbert, K. De Luca, S. Huda, S. & Burm, S. (2017). Interprofessional
collaboration on the internal medicine inpatient unit: A sociomaterial perspective. Paper presented at the 3 rd International ProPeL Conference, Linköping University, Sweden, June 2017.
Hibbert, K. (2016). Lessons from Fukushima: Disaster curriculum as social practice. Presentation to the 21 st Century Curriculum Symposium, London, ON., August 23, 2016.
Rodger, S., Weston, K., Hibbert, K, & Masters, R. (2016). 21 st C Teachers: From frameworks to practice for school mental health through collaborative ways of thinking, learning and working. Presentation to the 21 st Century Curriculum Symposium, London, ON., August 23, 2016.
Hibbert, K. Ott, M. Brun, N, Tinmouth, M. & Southern, M. (2016). Collaborative inquiry: A partnership between public libraries and teachers to promote 21 st C learning.. . Presentation to the 21 st Century Curriculum Symposium, London, ON., August 23, 2016.
Ott, M ., Hibbert, K. Rodger, S. & Leschied, A. (2016). The intersection of Canadian school-based mental health policies with student and teacher wellness initiatives. Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), (CATE) Calgary, AB
*selected as CSSE President’s Spotlight Session
Hibbert, K., Ott, M. & Southern, M. (2016). A partnership between public libraries and teachers to promote 21 st Century learning. Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), (CACS) Calgary, AB.
Hibbert, K. Leschied, A., Rodger, S., Bourdage, R. Masters, R., Ott, M., Bird, R., Ryne, S. & Tripp, T. (2016). Developing and sharing online resources, tools and strategies with teachers and for teachers to promote mental health and build resilience for students and teachers. Summit on Children and Youth Mental Health, Toronto, On, April 7-8, 2016.
Hibbert, K. (2016). Leading Education Change after Fukushima: Radiation, Health & Healing, March 9-11, Fukushima, Japan.
Goldszmidt, M. Boese, K., Hibbert, K. Faden, L., Deluca, S. & Huda, N. (2016). Everyday advocacy on the clinical teaching unit: recognizing the importance of the ‘chance encounter’. Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME), Montreal, PQ, April 16-19, 2016. C
Goldszmidt, M., Faden, L., Hibbert, K. DeLuca, S., Huda, N. & Boese, K. (2016). Values out of Alignment: Exploring the influence of the sociomaterial on patient care in an academic health science centre. Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME), Montreal, PQ, April 16-19, 2016. C
Faden, L . & Hibbert, K. (2016). Learning to fly together: A sociomaterial study of interprofessional patient care. Presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC, April 2016.
Hibbert, K. Faden, L. Houda, N. & Goldszmidt, M. (Sept. 2015). Learning to fly together: A sociomaterial study of interprofessional patient care. Presented at the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) Annual Research Conference, London, Ontario.
Kinsella, E. A., Pitman, A., & Hibbert, K. (2014). Practical wisdom in health professional education and practice: An interdisciplinary dialogue. Creating Space IV: Exploring Paradigms of Scholarship and Practice: Arts, Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Education of Health Professionals. Pre-Conference Canadian Conference on Medical Education. (April 25 & 26, 2014.)
Hibbert, K., Rodger, S., Leschied, A. & Atkins, M.A. (2014). Building understanding across ‘texts’ and contexts: Mental Health Literacy with Pre-Service Teachers. Paper presented to the LLRC Pre-CSSE conference, May 24, 2014, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON.
Burm, S. & Hibbert, K. (2014). Looking back to see our way forward: A critical review of narrative inquiry across the professions. Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), Urbana- Champaign, Ill., USA, May 21-24, 2014.
Hibbert, K. & Iannacci, L. (2014). Power and resistance: Looking through language unfolding in learning to do critical narrative research. Paper presented at the International Society of Educational Biography (ISEB) Conference, Toronto, ON. (April).
Hibbert, K. & Rodgers, S. (2014). Exploring the knowledges produced through a virtual ‘systems of care’ approach to achieving Mental Health Literacy with Pre-Service Teachers. Second International ProPEL Conference “Professional Matters: materialities and virtualities of professional learning”, 25-27 June 2014, Stirling, Scotland, UK.
Hibbert, K. (2013). Issues in medical education through the theoretical lens of a multiliteracies educator. Presented to Rogano Research Academy in Medical Education, Prague, CZ, August, 2013.
Hibbert, K. (2013). Transitioning to a ‘Social Practice’ Mastery Mindset in Professional Development. Paper presented at AMEE, Prague, CZ, August, 2013.
Apramian, T., Cherry, R., Arntfield, S., Watling, C. & Hibbert, K. Steps Toward Interdisciplinary Teaching in Narrative Medicine and High Fidelity Simulation Through Narrative Inquiry. A Narrative Future for Healthcare Conference: Launch of the International Network for Narrative Medicine. King’s College, London, UK, June, 2013
Ng, S., Manamperi, M., Hibbert, K., Stooke, R., Regan, S. Schryer, C. & Lingard, L. By Proxy: Clinicians’ Enactment of the Health Advocacy Role. Conference on Research in Medical Education, Association of the American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 1-6, 2013.
Ng, S., Stooke, R., Regan, S., Hibbert, K., Schryer, C., & Lingard, L. (Apr 4, 2013). Creativity and Conflict in Supporting Kids with Hearing Loss: Research on the Clinic-School Interface. Research Podium presented at the American Academy of Audiology’s annual meeting, AudiologyNOW! April 3-6, 2013, Anaheim, CA.
Apramian, T., Cherry, R., Arntfield, S., Watling, C. & Hibbert, K. (2013). Taking steps toward simulation-based interdisciplinary teaching & research using narrative medicine & narrative inquiry. Creating Space III Symposium, Quebec City, April 2013.
Hibbert, K., Ros, S., Chhem, R., Dondi, M. Rosenblatt, E. (2013) Mobile Learning for Human Health: A Comparative Tracer Study across Four Continents. Paper presented at the CIESC, Victoria, BC.
Hibbert, K., Burdett, L. (2013). The Secret of Will in new times: Revisiting and revisioning literacy lessons with students at age 7, 14 and 21. Paper presented to the Pre-CSSE Language and Literacy Conference, Victoria, BC.
McClay, J. Stooke, R. & Hibbert, K. (2013). Academic Writing in Graduate Studies at Two Canadian Faculties of Education: Learning Discourses, Learning Communities. Symposia presented at CSSE, Victoria, BC.
Ng, S., Rai, R., Stooke, R., Regan, S., Hibbert, K., Schryer, C., & Lingard, L. (Apr 23, 2013). Clinicians beyond clinic: Health Advocacy by Proxy. Podium presented at the Canadian Conference on Medical Education, April 2013, Quebec City, QC.
Kelly, U., Howley, C., McCormack, P., Eppley, K., & Hibbert, K. (2013). Rethinking rural literacies: Transnational perspectives. Panel presentation at AERA San Francisco.
Ros, S., Hibbert, K., Chhem, R., Dondi, M., Rosenblatt, E. & Hassan, H. (2013). Technology-assisted learning for global radiation medicine specialists: Exploring the value of learning with and from learners. Accepted for presentation to International Conference on e-Learning, The Cape Peninsula University of Technology Cape Town, South Africa, 27-28 June, 2013. (PA; Chhem presenting)
Hibbert, K. (2012). Interdisciplinary supervision and professional practice, education and learning. Paper presented at the meeting of ProPEL: Professional Practice, Education and Learning, Stirling University, Stirling, UK.
Ng, S., Rai, R., Hibbert, K., Stooke, R., Regan, S.Schryer, C., Lingard, L. (2012) Clinicians Beyond Clinic: An Institutional Ethnography of Integrated Care in a Non-Healthcare Setting. Poster presented to the Annual Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference: The Continuum of Education in the Healthcare Professions, Aug. 24-29, Lyon, France. *selected as one of the top ten posters out of 800 submissions
Cameron, C., English, L. Coady, M., Hibbert, K., Kinsella, A. & Moseley, J. (2012). Adult Education
and Health: A Critical Approach to Learning, Organizing and Building Civil Society. In S. Brigham (Ed.), Proceedings of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Wilfrid Laurier University. Ontario.
Hibbert, K. (2012). The Quest for Effective Interdisciplinary Graduate Supervision: Considerations for current students and future supervisors. Panel: Mentorship in Practice: Ensuring a Collaborative and Inspiring Partnership, The Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education (CCGSE), Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Waterloo, ON May 27-30, 2012.
Ng, S., Rai, R., Stooke, R., Regan, S., Hibbert, K., Schryer, C., & Lingard, L. (2012, October 9). Clinicians beyond clinic: Mediating inefficiency and inequity with invisible work. Podium presentation at the 2012 Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) Annual Research Symposium. Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario
Stooke, R. & Hibbert, K. (2012). Writing goes back to school: Maintaining ‘Institutional practices of mystery’ in a graduate program. American Educational Research Association, April, Vancouver, Canada.
Ng, S., Stooke, R., Regan, S. Hibbert, K., Schryer, C., Phelan, S., & Lingard, L. (2012, October 9). An institutional ethnographic inquiry of health care work in special education: A research protocol. Paper presented at the 2012 CERI Annual Research Symposium. Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario.
Lingard, L., Hibbert, K., Pitman, A. Kinsella, A., McKenzie, P. Wilson, T., Vanstone, M. & Manisire, A. (2011). Identifying strengths and challenges in interdisciplinary graduate supervision. Poster Session, Canadian Association for Information Science, 4 June, 2011.
Stooke, R., Hibbert, K. Faden, L & Parkinson, H. (2011). Supporting Graduate Education Students’ Writing: A Case Study. Teaching Based Research Group’s Opportunities and New Directions Conference, University of Waterloo.
Heydon, R., Rodger, S. & Hibbert, K. (2011). It takes a village: Creating supportive resources within a community of professional practice for educators of women who have experienced violence. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, (AERA) conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 8-12 April.
Hibbert, K., Van Deven, T., Chhem, R., Faden, L, Boyko, L. & Caldeira, M. (2011). Improving patient care: A national interdisciplinary study of educational scholarship in medical imaging departments across Canada. Presented at American Educational Research Association, (AERA) conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 8-12 April.
Hibbert, K. (2010). Fleshing out the experiences of an ‘embodied practitioner’: Attending to both acute and chronic experiences located in the ‘corporate body’. Presented at the Research Institute for Professional Practice, Body/Practice Symposia, Wagga Wagga, AU. Dec. 5, 2010.
Hibbert, K. (2010). Multiliteracies-in-use: How the ‘stories’ we tell inform our understanding of teaching and learning as ‘changing participation’. Presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education, (AARE) International Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov.29-Dec. 2, 2010
Chhem, R., Engel-Hills, P., Rich, S. & Hibbert, K. (2010). Building a virtual "global community of learners" in radiation medicine: The IAEA model. 9th European Conference on e-Learning. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal, November, 2010.
Pollock, K. Faez, F. Hibbert, K. Namukasa, I., Stooke, R. & O’Sullivan, J. (2010). Connected understanding: Balancing work expectations with actual practices for those on the road to tenure. Presented at the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA), CSSE, Montreal, PQ.
Hibbert, K. (2010). The Salty Chip: A Canadian Multiliteracies’ Collaborative that Considers Pedagogy in a Participatory Culture. Presented at the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada, (LLRC) CSSE, Montreal, PQ, May 2010.
Van Deven, T. & Hibbert, K. (2009). Demystifying the promotion dossier and shaping a future through reflexivity. Paper presented at the 1st Inaugural Conference, Engaging Reflection in Health Professional Education and Practice: Mapping the Terrain, Advancing the Field and Developing the Scholarly Community. London, ON, May 13-15.
Hibbert, K. & Coulson, E. (2009). ATM Confessions: Harnessing social networking systems and consumer-generated media to develop interactive digital learning materials for adolescents. Presented to Technology and Teacher Education, CSSE, Ottawa, Ontario, May, 2009.
Hibbert, K. & Coulson, E. (2008). Converting existing assets to ‘Financial Literacy’ currency: Student-Teacher-Researcher Transactions. Paper presented at the annual Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada pre-CSSE conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 2008.
Hibbert, K. & Van Deven, T. (2008). Diagnosing educational 'ills' in a medical setting: The case of scholarship in the radiology department. Paper presented to the 2008 AERA Annual Meeting, March 24-March 28, 2008, New York, NY.
Heydon, R. & Hibbert, K. (2007). How might teacher candidates’ habitus be disrupted through a pre-service language arts curriculum? Paper presented at the National Reading Conference, Austin Texas., November 28-December 1, 2007.
Hibbert, K. & Lucier, R. (2007). Engagement in literacy through online ‘Rich Performance Tasks’. Paper presented at the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) Pre-CSSE Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 25, 2007.
Hibbert, K. (2006). Unearthing Tacit Knowledge: One Graduate Cohort’s Experiences with Three Virtual Learning Environments. Paper accepted for presentation at the 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 3-6, 2006.
Hibbert, K., Heydon, R. & Rich S. (2006). Beacons of light, rays, or sun catchers? A case study of the positioning of literacy teachers and their knowledge in neoliberal times. Paper presented at the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) pre-conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 27-30, 2006.
Heydon, R. & Hibbert, K. (2006). Examining Teacher Candidates’ Experiences with, and Evolving Understandings of Literacy and its Pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Toronto, Ontario, May 27-30, 2006.
Hibbert, K. & Rich, S. (2006). Tables Turned: Entering a virtual learning community established by a student cohort. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CATE), Toronto, Ontario, May 27-30, 2006.
Hibbert, K., Rich, S. & Scheffel, T.L. (2006). Trained Experts: An examination of the Ontario Government’s understanding of expertise in Reading and Writing. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 7-11, 2006.
Hibbert, K & Rich, S. (2005). From knowledge dissemination to community building: Creating spaces for learners. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual eLearn Conference: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, Vancouver, BC. October 24-28, 2005.
Hibbert, K, Kniskern, J.A. (2005). Knowing my books and my children first: Shelving leveled books in favour of deeper understandings. Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), London, Ontario, May 28-31, 2005.
Hibbert, K. (2005). Examining ‘enunciative space’ in an online community of practice. Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), London, Ontario, May 28-31, 2005.
Coulson, L. & Hibbert, K. (2005). Toward financial literacy: Enacted dynamic curriculum development in an online classroom. Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), London, Ontario, May 28-31, 2005.
Hibbert, K. & Stooke, R. (2005). Haves and have-nots: How access to material resources mediates teachers’ understandings of their roles as literacy teachers. Presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), London, Ontario, May 28-31, 2005.
Rich, S. & Hibbert, K. (2004). Designing an online course for distance education course instructors and authors. Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. August 4-6, 2004.
Hibbert, K. (2004). Enunciative space: Bridging the ‘distance’ in online teacher education. Presented at the International Association for the Development of Information Society (IADIS) International Conference, Avila, Spain, July 16-19, 2004.
Hibbert, K. (2004). A journey through ‘enunciative’ space: An examination into ways teachers come to understand their literacy practices in an online environment. Presented at the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) pre-conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 28, 2004.
Heydon, R., Hibbert, K. & Iannacci, L. (2004). Strategies to support balanced literacy approaches in pre- and in-service education. Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 28-31, 2004.
Heydon, R., Hibbert, K., Iannacci, L., Kniskern, J.A., (2003). Problematizing reading instruction ‘solutions’ while still helping teachers figure out what to do on a Monday morning and a Friday afternoon: The Implications of Balanced Literacy Approaches for Pre- and In- Service Teacher Education. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 21 to 25, 2003, Chicago, Illinois.
Iannacci, L. & Hibbert, K. (2003). Reviewing and reconciling conceptions of visual literacy with an eye to developing literate students. Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 28-31, 2003.
Hibbert, K. & Iannacci, L. (2002). Building or stumbling blocks to balanced literacy? A critical look at the "Four Blocks" model. Presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 25-28, 2002.
Selected Invited Addresses: (28)
Hibbert, K. (2021). Designing for online learning with the learner in mind. Digital Learning in my LBS Program: Here to Stay? Webinar presentation to Literacy Links. November 22, 2021.
Hibbert, K. (2021). Teaching in Higher Education: Learning to manoeuver complex systems. CamTech University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Hibbert, K. (2021) Guest panellist. “Meet the Editors of the Curriculum Journal”. British Education Research Association Conference, London, UK. (Virtual)
Hibbert, K. (2021) “Radiation Medicine Communications and Methodologies – International Perspectives and Science, Technology and Society Insights in the Setting of Low-Dose Radiation”. Hiroshima, Japan, November 2021.
Hibbert, K. (2020). “Disruptive Innovation”: Rethinking assessment with modern technologies. Presented to Western Leadership Forum, Spring/Summer.
Hibbert, K. (2020). Regional Postgraduate Education Course.
Hibbert, K. (2020). Regional Postgraduate Education Course in Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources (PGEC) Technical Cooperation Program of Asia and Pacific Region. April 6-10. (Amparo Cristobal) [Cancelled - COVID]
Hibbert, K. (2020) Radiation Medicine Communications and Methodologies, Hiroshima, Japan, June 2-4, 2020. (invited expert (by Abdel-Wahab, IAEA), [Cancelled_COVID].
Hibbert, K. (2019). Who’s calling the shots? Negotiating a fair and balanced workload for supervisors and students. Western University, London, ON. (Wednesday September 25, 2019).
Hibbert, K. (2019). Technical meeting on Communication on Low-Dose-Radiation: The Role of Science, Technology and Society. Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan.
Hibbert, K. (2018). Plenary panelist: Comparative education as a means for social change. Education and Social Progress: Insights from Comparative Perspectives. 11th Biennial Comparative Education Society of Asia, (CESA), Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Positioning educational research: Choosing a paradigm. Chinese Academy of Social Science, School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Teaching reading to children in Canada. Presentation to the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, China, August, 2017.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Reading words and worlds. Presentation to the Hua Yue (Beijing) Education, Science and Technology Institute’s Teaching Design Workshop, Beijing, China, August, 2017.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Reading in a multiliteracies world. Presentation to the Hua Yue (Beijing) Education, Science and Technology Institute’s Teaching Design Workshop, Beijing, China, August, 2017.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Lost and found: Navigating the integration of new media in literacy curricula. Presentation to Faculty Research Partners Day, Western University, London, On.
White, A., Neeganagwedgin, E. Coulter, R. & Hibbert, K. (2017). Canada 150: A Critical Exploration of Curricula. Presented at Crossing Boundaries: Curriculum Traditions Meet, Curriculum studies education summer school: Stirling University, Scotland, June 2017. Available: https://prezi.com/view/91C3v2Zk3O3xIf6g10LQ/
Hibbert, K. (2017). The Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice. Research seminar presented to the Centre for Education Research and Innovation, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, February 2, 2017, London, ON.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Fukushima: Lessons from the aftermath of a disaster. Presentation to the Stratford Rotary Club, Stratford, ON. January 12, 2017.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Changing traditions demand new approaches: Reconceptualising curricular scholarship to honour indigenous knowledges.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Literacy Curriculum as Social Practice. Keynote Address, 3 rd National Conference on Developing English Reading Literacy, Centre for Foreign Language Education and Teacher Education, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
Hibbert, K. & Engle-Hills, P. (2016). Training for Senior Educators on Radiation Emergencies, Preparedness and Response. Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC), Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, August 8-12, 2016.
Hibbert, K. (May, 2015). Higher Education Hub: Grant writing for success. Presented at the Cambodia Resource and Development Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Hibbert, K. (May, 2015). Higher Education Hub: The guided literature review. Presented at the Cambodia Resource and Development Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Hibbert, K. (May, 2015). Higher Education Hub: 21 st Century Learning for Higher Education. Presented at the Cambodia Resource and Development Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Hibbert, K. (May, 2015). Understanding Narrative Inquiry: A research methodology focused on experience. Presented at the Cambodia Resource and Development Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Hibbert, K. (2015). Lessons from Fukushima. “Let’s talk about education”. Faculty of Education, Western University Complimentary Speaker Series. April 21, 2015.
Hibbert, K. (2014). Radiation, health and society: The way forward. Workshop series, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan, Dec. 1-5.
Hibbert, K. and Engle-Hills, P. (2014). Introducing Radiation Disaster Medicine into Japanese Medical Curricula. Workshop series, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan, Dec. 1-5.
Hibbert, K. (2014). Teaching adults and other non-traditional learners in the classroom and online. Speakers Panel, New Faculty orientation, Western University, London, ON, Canada, August 21, 2014.
Hibbert, K. (2014). Using creative thinking strategies to approach old problems in new ways. Presented to NAHU Campus, Division of Human Health, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, July 18, 2014.
Hibbert, K. (2014). Expert Panellist, Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop for Western Postdocs, University Community Centre, Western University, London, ON. May 29, 2014.
Hibbert, K. (2014). Thinking about research in the health professions: frameworks, ethics and
scholarship . Presented at the Joint Teaching Retreat, hosted in collaboration by the Southwestern
Ontario Medical Education Network (SWOMEN) and Continuing Professional Development
(CPD), Oakwood Resort, Grand Bend, ON. (April 4-5).
Online Curriculum Projects
Hibbert, K. (2009) The Salty Chip Blog: A social space to learn more about the Canadian Multiliteracies Collaborative. Published online at: http://thesaltychip.edublogs.org/
Hibbert, K. & Engle-Hills, P. (2014). Post 3-11: An Expanded Science Technology Society (STS) Approach to Learning from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. A Curriculum Package. Vienna, AU: Division of Human Health (NAHU), International Atomic Energy Agency, pp. 1-94.
Hibbert, K. (2009). The Salty Chip: A Canadian Multiliteracies Collaborative
Hibbert, K. (2009). ATM Confessions: A Financial literacy library http://www.atmconfessions.ca/
Invited Consultations (21)
Hibbert, K. (2019). Communication on Low_Dose Radiation – the Role of Science, Technology and Society. Japan, May - June 2019.
Hibbert, K. (2017). Professional Education for the Experts. Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency. (Dr. Elena Buglova, J. LaFortune, E. Waller) 13-18 March, 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Hibbert, K. (2016). Training for senior educators on radiation emergencies, preparedness and response. Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency. (Dr. Elena Buglova, J. LaFortune, E. Waller) 8-12 August, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Hibbert, K. (2015). Docs 4 Great Apes: The Virunga One Project. Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Dr. R.F. Quinn, DVM, Director: Docs4GreatApes)
Hibbert, K. (Dec. 2015). Defining training programme performance indicators. Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC), Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Austria (J.F. LaFortune)
Hibbert, K., (2015). Leading Education Change After Fukushima, Fukushima, Japan, 29 June- 1 July, 2015.
Hibbert, K. (2014) Shifting the educational paradigm of the Incident and Emergency Centre: Transitioning to a culture of learning, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency. (Dr. Elena Buglova) February 10-14, Vienna, Austria.
Hibbert, K. (2012). From e-learning to mobile learning. Investigating the status of implementation at NAHU. IAEA. (Dr. Soveacha Ros). June – Sept, 2012, Vienna Austria.
Hibbert, K. (2011). Resident Adoption of Medical Education Tools Available on Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): Understanding Determinants. (Dr. Shanil V. Narayan, Internal Medicine).
*2011Launch of the Human Health Campus (e-learning and mobile version)
*2012 Human Health Campus wins Cross-Departmental Team Award and leads the IAEA in mobile and elearning
Hibbert, K. (2011). Digitizing the “Shakespeare in the Classroom Project” (David Cunningham)
Hibbert, K. (2011). Moving into E-learning at the Ontario Police College, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, (Bill Stevens, Director & Jon Schmidt, Deputy Director)
Hibbert, K. (2010). Human Health Campus: planning and direction. (Yaraslov Pynda, NAHU)
Hibbert, K. (Aug. 2010) Designing effective e-learning materials. Division of Human Health (NAHU), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
Hibbert, K. (2010). Financial Resource Development for Commercialization: MBA Project, Richard Ivey School of Business. (Clayton Feick)
Hibbert, K. (Dec., 2009) Curriculum Integration in Human Health, Division of Human Health (NAHU), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
Hibbert, K. (July, 2009). Distance Assisted Training, (DAT), (Maurizio DONDI: Head of Nuclear Medicine Section, IAEA).
Hibbert, K. (April, 2009). Training and Education, Division of Human Health (NAHU) Ahmed Meghzifene, Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics Distance Assisted Training, (DAT), (Maurizio DONDI: Head of Nuclear Medicine Section, IAEA) Professor Brian Hutton, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Mentoring, Donald McLean, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
Hibbert, K. (2008). National Research Council Construction Technology Program, London, ON Construction Knowledge Transfer Through Interactive Visualization
Hibbert, K. (2007). On-line Preceptor/Preceptee Education: Preparing Partners of Learning in the Field, Faculty of Health Sciences, UWO, ON.
Hibbert, K. (2006). Encouraging virtual communities of practice: Templates for a cohort-based online program. University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Education (Dr. Donald Soucy).