Isha DeCoito

Dr. Isha DeCoito, PhD

Associate Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics

Dr. Isha DeCoito, PhD

Associate Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics

Prior to joining the Faculty of Education (cross-appointed,  Faculty of Science) at Western University I was an educator at universities in Canada and the United States, including OISE/UT, York University, and Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. A strong commitment to research and teaching is well-informed by my background in STEM/science education. To date I have secured over $3.5 million dollars in funding through universities, federal and provincial governments, and NGOs. My numerous research aspirations and collaborations have been dedicated to equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization (EDID) in STEM/science education, with a focus on knowledge construction, translation, mobilization and connecting theory and practice, with the ultimate goal of improving teaching and learning at all levels of education.

My scholarship focuses on two major aspects of STEM education: 1) curriculum, pedagogical perspectives and practices that reflect EDID, and 2) professional development of educators. My research interests are organized under the following overarching themes: 1) EDID in science/STEM education; 2) digital technologies to improve scientific and technological literacy, given that a current barrier to their wider adoption is the learning curve associated with implementation by both instructors and students; and 3) mentoring and professional development. My focus has been on stakeholder/relationship management and communication, and research on measurable outcomes and impact, especially in terms of creating new and better opportunities for students.

My leadership in STEM education transcends my practice in the areas of curriculum development, development and promotion of innovative programs that reflect EDID priorities, and professional learning for all students. I have extensive experience in STEM/science program development and teaching, in both face-to-face and e-Learning (synchronous and asynchronous) modalities, and have instructed and mentored students at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels. Currently, I teach in the Graduate program, and I am a STEM educator and Coordinator of the STEM Specialty Focus in Teacher Education at Western University. 

In 2023, I received a Faculty Scholars Award, and in 2024 I received Western University’s Outstanding Scholar Award. As well, in 2024 I received the Leaders and Legends Award, in the Excellence category at the University of Toronto/OISE.  I am a recipient of a Sandra K. Abell Scholar Mentor Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (USA). In  2014, I was the recipient of the President’s University-Wide Teaching Award at York University.

I currently Chair the Non-Medical Research Ethics Board at Western University, as well as the Equity Committee in Education. I am the Science Editor for the Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, and an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Science Teacher Education.


Current and Recent Funded Research

2024 Wanja Gitari (Applicant), Isha DeCoito (Co-applicant) – Catalyst and Synthesis Research Grant, University of Toronto – Energy, justice, poverty, and climate change.

2024 Isha DeCoito (Applicant), Mohammed Estaiteyeh (Co-applicant) – Interdisciplinary Development Initiatives (IDI), Western University – Reimaging assessment through an innovative and inclusive digital, adaptive, and accessible platform.

2022 Paul Mensink (Applicant), Isha DeCoito (Co-applicant) – eCampus Ontario – Ocean-scale immersion: Immersive science education through augmented reality digital content- XR projects technology demonstration. 

2022 Yolanda Hedberg (Applicant), Isha DeCoito (Co-applicant) NSERC CREATE – Excellence in Canadian corrosion education through internationalization, equity, and interdisciplinarity (CORRECT).

2021 Isha DeCoito (Applicant) –FRDF, Western University – Teaching and learning science, mathematics, and technology in a refugee context.

2021 Isha DeCoito (Applicant) – NSERC PromoScience Supplement – Conquering climate change!

2021 Isha DeCoito (Applicant) – NSERC PromoScience Supplement - Outbreak Science! Canadian Discoveries and Inventions.

2020 Isha DeCoito (PI) – NSERC PromoScience Supplement  – Amazon Ablaze! 

2020 Isha DeCoito (PI) – SSHRC Connection Grant – Space Educators Institute: Bringing Space to Students 

2020 Isha DeCoito (PI) – Minister of Education, Ontario – Research to Inform Elementary Science and Technology and Secondary Science Focused Curricula Revisions 

2020 Isha DeCoito (PI) – NSERC PromoScience – Space Matters

2020 Isha DeCoito (PI) - SSHRB Open Grant - Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career choices.

2019 Isha DeCoito (PI), Gordon Osinski (Co-PI) – Canadian Space Agency – Junior Astronaut Initiative

2018 Gordon Osinski (PI), Isha DeCoito (Co-PI), Parshati Patel (Collaborator) – NSERC PromoScience Supplement – Science Literacy Week.

2018 Isha DeCoito (PI) – SSHRC Internal Research Award – Teaching and learning science, mathematics, and technology in a refugee context.

2018 Gordon Osinski (PI), Isha DeCoito (Co-PI), Parshati Patel (Collaborator) – NSERC Promoscience Supplement – Science Odyssey.  

2018 Gordon Osinski (PI), Isha DeCoito (Co-PI) – NSERC – Space Matters, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration at Western University.

2017 Isha DeCoito (PI) – SSHRB Open Grant – Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career choices 

2016 Isha DeCoito (PI) and Lisa Briona (Co-PI), “Catch the bus!” – Exploring a web-based gamified application to facilitate learning commuting skills for the intellectually disabled. The C. Kingsley Allison Research Award.

2016  Gordon Ozinski (PI) and Isha DeCoito (Collaborator),Professional Masters in Space Studies, Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration at Western University. eCampus Ontario.

2016   Isha DeCoito (PI) – Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Knowledge Synthesis Grant – The digital gap: Access, innovation, and impact in Aboriginal communities.

2016  Isha DeCoito (PI) – Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) Accelerate – Facilitating STEM pathways: Addressing engagement, future course selection and STEM career choices.

2015   Isha DeCoito (PI) – SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant - Focusing on science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) initiatives in K-12 education in Canada.

2015  Isha DeCoito (PI) – VP Research, Western University– 4A Ranking, IDG – Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career choices.

2015 Isha DeCoito (PI) – SSHRB Seed Grant, Western University - Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career choices.

2014, 2015 Isha DeCoito (PI) –Faculty Research Development Grant, Western University - Exploring the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) projects in teacher education.

2014, 2015, 2016  Isha DeCoito (PI) –Internal Research Grant, Western University  -Teaching and learning science, mathematics, and technology in a refugee context.

Recent Publications


DeCoito, I., Fazio, X., & Gichuru, J. (2024). STEM education through global perspectives: Informing theory and practice. Springer Nature.

DeCoito, I. (forthcoming). Linking Theory and Practice in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Esters, L., Patchen, A., DeCoito, I., & Knobloch, N.  (Eds.). (2021). Research approaches in urban agricultural and community contexts. Springer.

DeCoito, I., Patchen, A., Knobloch, N., & Esters, L. (Eds.). (2021). Teaching and learning in urban agricultural community contexts. Springer. 

DeCoito, I., Steele, A., &  Goodnough, K. (June 2016). Guest Editors for the Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education dedicated to STEM Education in Canada.

Hewitt, J., & DeCoito, I. (Eds.). (2004). OISE papers in educational technologies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

DeCoito, I., & McDougall, D. (Eds.). (2003). OISE papers in mathematics education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Chapters In Edited Books

Takkouch, M., & DeCoito, I. (2024). Growing a solution: Support structures and integrating school gardens in science and environmental education. In K. Kiers & T. Buttler (Eds.), Successful outdoor learning in Canadian contexts: Key factors and practical examples for beginning and experienced teachers. Canadian Scholars Press. [Publication 2024]

DeCoito, I. (2024). STEM education through global perspectives: An overview. In I. DeCoito, X. Fazio, & J. Gichuru, STEM education through global perspectives: Informing theory and practice (pp. 1-9). Springer Cham.

DeCoito, I. (2024). Defining and situating STEM disciplines. In I. DeCoito, X. Fazio, & J. Gichuru, STEM education through global perspectives: Informing theory and practice (pp. 11-28). Springer Cham.

DeCoito, I. (2024). STEM education: Curriculum and pedagogy. In I. DeCoito, X. Fazio, & J. Gichuru, STEM education through global perspectives: Informing theory and practice (pp. 51-72). Springer Cham.

DeCoito, I., Fazio, X., & Gichuru, J. (2024). Preparation and inspiration: STEM education for future generations. In I. DeCoito, X. Fazio, & J. Gichuru, STEM education through global perspectives: Informing theory and practice (pp. 109-118). Springer Cham.

DeCoito, I., & Briona, L. (2023). Outbreak science. In X. Fazio (Ed.), Science curricula for the Anthropocene: Curriculum models for our collective future- Volume 2 (pp. 107-130). Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.

DeCoito, I. (2023). STEMifying teacher education – A Canadian context. In A. M. Al-Balushi, L. Martin-Hansen, & Y. Song (Eds.), Reforming science teacher education programs in the STEM era: International practices (pp. 35-52). Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. ISBN-13: 9783031273339

DeCoito, I., & Briona, L. (2023). Fostering an entrepreneurial mindset through digital technologies in STEM teacher education. In S. Kaya & E. Peters-Burton (Eds.), Enhancing entrepreneurial mindsets through STEM education (Chapter 9). Springer International Publishing.  ISBN-13: 9783031178153.

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). STEM teachers’ transition to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian context. In H. Burgsteiner & G. Krammer (Eds.), Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic’s distance learning on students and teachers in schools and in higher education – International perspectives (pp. 421-444). Leykam.

DeCoito, I., Gichuru, J., & Otoide, L. (2022). Teacher preparation in a refugee context: Exploring a cultural border crossing perspective. Global Perspectives on Educational Research. Routledge.

DeCoito, I. (2021). Urban agricultural experiences: Focusing on 21st century learning skills and integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. In L. Esters, A. Patchen, I. DeCoito,  & N. Knobloch (Eds.), Research approaches in urban agricultural and community contexts. Springer. 

Berson, E., &  DeCoito, I. (2021). Fertile ground for scientific research questions: The school garden as a context for student-directed inquiry. In L. Esters, A. Patchen, I. DeCoito,  & N. Knobloch (Eds.), Research approaches in urban agricultural and community contexts. Springer.

DeCoito, I., Gichuru, J., & Otoide, L. (2020). Teacher preparation in a refugee context: Exploring a cultural border crossing perspective. Global Perspectives on Educational Research. Routledge.

DeCoito, I., & Briona, L. (2020). Navigating theory and practice: Digital video games (DVGs) in STEM education. In V. Akerson and G. Buck (Eds.), Critical questions in STEM education (pp. 85-104). Springer. 

DeCoito, I. (2020). The use of digital technologies to enhance learners’ conceptions of the nature of science. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: Rationales and strategies (pp. 343-358). Springer.

DeCoito, I. (2017). Addressing digital competencies, curriculum development, and instructional design in science teacher education. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (pp. 1-12). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

DeCoito, I., & Richardson, T. (2017). Beyond Angry Birds™: Using web-based tools to engage learners and promote inquiry in STEM learning. In I. Levin and D. Tsybulsky (Eds.), Digital Tools and Solutions for Inquiry-Based STEM Learning (pp.166-196). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

DeCoito, I., & Richardson, T. (2016). Focusing on integrated STEM concepts in a digital game. In M. Urban and D. Falvo (Eds.), Improving K-12 STEM Education (pp. 1-23). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

DeCoito, I. (2014). Teaching about the nature of science through digital scientific timelines. In P.D. Morrell and K. Popejoy (Eds.), A few of our favorite things: Teaching ideas for K-12 science methods instructors. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Refereed Journals

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2024). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM teacher education: Developing case studies of socio-scientific issues focusing on differentiated instruction. The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education.

Estaiteyeh, M., DeCoito, I., & Takkouch, M. (2024). STEM teacher candidates’ preparation for online teaching: Promoting technological and pedagogical knowledge. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology.

Campbell, N., Estaiteyeh, M., DeCoito, I., & Robinson, A. (2024). The future is interdisciplinary: Development of a medical sciences master’s program that fosters academic, professional, and personal development. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(2).

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2024). Technology-enhanced differentiated instruction in science education: Teacher candidates’ development and curation of educative curriculum materials. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 24(3).

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2023). The long-term impact of training on equity, diversity, and inclusion practices: Teacher candidates’ knowledge retention and future aspirations. The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 24(1), 65-88. https://doi:10.18848/2327-0020/CGP/v24i01/65-88.

Estaiteyeh, M., Campbell, N., DeCoito, I., & Takkouch, M. (2023). Setting students up for success: Developing interdisciplinary skills in a medical sciences graduate program. GiLE Journal of Skills Development, 3(2), 66–84.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2023). Empowering STEM teacher candidates to implement differentiated instruction in teacher education courses. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 23, 5-26.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2023). Differentiated instruction in digital video games: STEM teacher candidates using technology to meet learners’ needs. Interactive Learning Environments.

DeCoito, I. (2022). A reflection on reimagining education: Inspiration, innovation and thriving in a changing world. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 22, 301-304.

Mohamed, A., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Curriculum, theory, and practice: Exploring nurses’ and nursing students' knowledge of and attitudes towards caring for the elderly in Canada. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 1-14.

Mohamed, A., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Exploring nurses’ and nursing students' self- efficacy and mindsets in caring for the elderly in Canada. Journal of Practical  Nurse Education and Practice, 2(2), 3-45.

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Transitioning to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploration of STEM teachers’ views, successes, and challenges. Journal of Science Education and Technology.;

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring science/STEM teachers’ curriculum and assessment practices in Canada. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 4(8).

DeCoito, I. (2020). The case for digital timelines in teaching and teacher education.   International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education, 35(1). ISSN: 2292-8588

Knowles, N., & DeCoito, I. (2018). Biomedical engineering undergraduate education: A Canadian perspective. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 1-21.

DeCoito, I., & Myszkal, P. (2018). Connecting science instruction and teachers’ self-efficacy and beliefs in STEM education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(6), 485-503.

DeCoito, I., & Richardson, T. (2018). Teachers and technology in STEM education – Present practice and future directions. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(2), 362-378.

DeCoito, I., & Fazio, X. (2017). Developing case studies in teacher education: Spotlighting socioscientific issues. Innovations in Science Teacher Education. Available online at

DeCoito, I. (2016). STEM education in Canada: A knowledge synthesis. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16(2), 114-128.

DeCoito, I., Steele, A., & Goodnough, K. (2016). Introduction to the special issue on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16(2), 109-113.

DeCoito, I., & Gitari, W. (2014). Outreach programs: A case for indigenizing science education curriculum. First Nations Perspectives: The Journal of the MFNERC, 6, 26-51.

DeCoito, I. (2014). Focusing on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the 21st century. Ontario Professional Surveyor, 57(1), 34-36.

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Mensink, P., Briona, L., & DeCoito, I. (2023). MarineXR: Comparing the impact of two different ocean AR experiences on student motivation and engagement. Practitioner Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN2023).

*Featured spotlight presentation selected for ILRN conference website and social media (

Estaiteyeh, M. & DeCoito, I. (2022). Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of differentiated instruction. Proceedings of the Association for Science Teacher Education 2022 Conference.

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM education: Exploring teacher candidates’ preparation for online teaching. Proceedings of the Association for Science Teacher Education 2022 Conference.

Mensink, P., Brar, R., Sajid, A., & Decoito, I. (2022). Marine XR: The impact of an immersive learning AR app on student motivation and engagement with the biology, ecology, and conservation of basking sharks. Practitioner Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (iLRN2022). DOI: 10.56198/A6PFY4TUG. ISBN: 978-1-7348995-2-8/22

Biezma Moraleda, M. V., Linhardt, P., DeCoito, I, & Hedberg, Y. (2021). Concept-based corrosion education: Can experiential learning and case stories help? Proceedings of EDULEARN21 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (2662-2671). ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2, ISSN: 2340-1117, DL: V-1707-2021. *Featured in Materials Business Weekly (

Patel, P., DeCoito, I., Estaiteyeh, M., & Osinski, G. (2020). Space Explorer’s Academy: A unique expert led outreach program to engage youth in space! Proceedings of the 71st International Astronautical Congress – The Cyberspace Edition.

Patel, P., DeCoito, I., & Osinski, G. (2019). Training and engaging the next generation of space scientists and engineers through the Space Explorers™ program. Proceedings of the 70th International Astronautical Congress. Washington, DC.

DeCoito, I. (June 2015). Gender differences in STEM career aspirations amongst middle school students. Proceedings of the STEAM International Conference. Honolulu, HI. ISBN2333-4916.

DeCoito, I. (June 2015).  Exploring middle school students’ attitudes and interest in technology, engineering and mathematics subjects. Proceedings of the STEAM International Conference. Honolulu, HI. ISBN2333-4916.

DeCoito, I. (June 2015). Developing integrated science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) projects in education. In S. Nesbit & T. M. Froese (Eds.), Proceedings of EESD15: The 7th Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (pp. 41-48). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Academic Conference Proceedings (refereed)

Takkouch, M., & DeCoito, I. (2024). “I became kind of like a leader”: Promoting positive youth development in school gardens. Paper presented at the 31st International Conference on Learning, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 10-12, 2024.

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2024). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM education: Developing teacher candidates’ technological literacy and inclusive practices. Paper presented at the 31st International Conference on Learning, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 10-12, 2024.

DeCoito, I., Estaiteyeh, M., & Takkouch, M. (2024). STEM teacher candidates’ preparation for online teaching: Promoting technological and pedagogical knowledge. Paper presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2024 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 12-17.

DeCoito, I. & Takkouch, M. (2024). ‘It’s not a one-person effort’: Promoting youth agricultural literacy and ecological citizenship in school gardens. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2024 Conference, Montreal, QC., June 12-17.

Briona, L., DeCoito, I., & Hedberg, Y. (2024). Corrosion mobilities: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Winnipeg, MB, June 2-6, 2024.

Briona, L., DeCoito, I., & Hedberg, Y. (2024). Societal outreach and community engagement to improve citizen corrosion literacy. Paper presented to Environment, the Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg, MB, June 2-6, 2024.

Briona, L., Gichuru, J., Yan, K., DeCoito, I., & Hedberg, Y. (2024). Gender aspects of corrosion science. Paper presented at EDI - Breaking the Barriers and Biases in Sciences: From Systemic to Scientific, the Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg, MB, June 2-6, 2024.

DeCoito, I., & Takkouch, M. (2024). Building strong roots: Role of school-community partnerships in integrating school gardens in environmental education. Round table presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11 –April 14, 2024.

DeCoito, I., Estaiteyeh, M., & Takkouch, M. (2024) . Promoting teacher candidates’ views and attitudes toward online teaching: A comparison of two cohorts. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11 –April 14, 2024.

DeCoito, I., & Takkouch, M. (2024). Growing a solution: Affordances, challenges, and support structures for integrating school gardens in elementary environmental education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA, January 10-13, 2024.

Booker, C.J., Sandy-Thompson, K., Gaudet, C., Briona, L., DeCoito, I., & Hedberg, Y. (2023, July). A mentoring community in STEM: Fostering STEM identity within universities. Paper presented at the Western Conference on Science Education, London, ON.

Mensink, P., Briona, L., & DeCoito, I. (2023, June 26-29). MarineXR: Comparing the impact of two different ocean AR experiences on student motivation and engagement. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, CA, USA.

Sandy-Thompson, K., Gaudet, C., Briona, L., DeCoito, I., Booker, C., & Hedberg, Y. (2023, June 4-8). The roles of mentors and allies in retention of members of historically or presently underrepresented groups in chemistry and STEM fields. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC), Vancouver, BC.

Hedberg, Y., Briona, L., & DeCoito, I. (2023, June 4-8). Corrosion, equity, diversity, environment, and society – an integrative teaching approach. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC), Vancouver, BC.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2023, May 27-31). Designing courses in teacher education to promote teacher candidates’ professional knowledge of differentiated instruction. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) conference, Toronto, ON.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2023, May 4-5). Differentiated instruction in digital video games: Teacher candidates using technology to meet learners’ needs. Paper to be presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Conference, Virtual presentation.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2023, April 18-21). Technology-enhanced differentiated instruction in STEM education: Teacher candidates’ development of digital educative curriculum materials. Paper to be presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) 2023 Conference, Chicago, IL.

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Addressing STEM teachers’ challenges in online teaching by enhancing their TPACK and creating digital resources. Virtual presentation at the annual CSSE conference, Montreal, Canada. 

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Tracking the development in STEM teacher candidates’ conceptions and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion through reflective practice. Virtual presentation at the annual CSSE conference, Montreal, Canada. 

Mohamed, A., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Curriculum, theory, and practice: Exploring nurses’ and nursing students' knowledge of and attitudes towards and self- efficacy in caring for the elderly in Canada. Virtual presentation at the annual CSSE conference, Montreal, Canada. 

Yarkin, A., & DeCoito, I. (2022). A parallel mediation analysis of the influence of outreach workshops on students' STEM career choices. Virtual multi-paper presentation at the annual CSSE conference, Montreal, Canada. 

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM teacher education: Preparing teacher candidates for online teaching. Virtual Poster presentation at AERA, San Diego, CA.

Takkouch, M., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Informal environmental education: What are the affordances of school gardens for fostering secondary students’ STEM skills and 21st century skills/ global competencies? Virtual presentation at AERA, San Diego, CA.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Enhancing STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion through differentiated instruction. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, BC.

Takkouch, M., DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Are school gardens culturally relevant? Forging connections between high school students and the community. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, BC.

Campbell, N., Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Preparing graduate students for success: Validating interdisciplinary skill development needs. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, BC. 

Mensink, P., Brar, R., Sajid, A., & Decoito, I. (2022). Marine XR: The impact of an immersive learning AR app on student motivation and engagement with the biology, ecology and conservation of basking sharks. Virtual presentation at the 8th International Immersive Learning Research Network Conference.

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2022). Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM Education: Exploring teacher candidates’ competencies in online teaching. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Science Teacher Education, South Carolina.

Paper nominated as a Finalist for the National Technology Leadership Initiative (NTLI) Award, Association of Science Teacher Education, 2022.

Estaiteyeh, M., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Case studies: Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ understanding and implementation of differentiated instruction. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Science Teacher Education, South Carolina.

Takkouch, M., & DeCoito, I. (2022). Preparation and inspiration: Incorporating school gardens in environmental education as agents of change. Virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Science Teacher Education, South Carolina.

Biezma Moraleda, M. V., Linhardt, P., DeCoito, I, & Hedberg, Y. (2021). Concept-based corrosion education: Can experiential learning and case stories help? Virtual presentation at the EDULEARN21 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, July 2021

DeCoito, I., Florence, S., & Rezai-Rashti, G. (2021). STEM career aspirations of female middle school students: A longitudinal study. Paper to be presented at the annual STEM International conference, Vancouver, July 2021.

Florence, S., & DeCoito, I. (2021). STEM engagement: Exploring the longitudinal impact of outreach programs on enhancing girls' interest and self-efficacy in STEM. Paper to be presented at the annual STEM International conference, Vancouver, July 2021. 

DeCoito, I., & Estaiteyeh, M. (2021). STEM teachers’ curriculum practices in online teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Canadian context. Virtual presentation at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.

Patel, P., DeCoito, I., Estaiteyeh, M., & Osinski, G. (2020). Space Explorer’s Academy: A unique expert led outreach program to engage youth in space! Paper presented at the 71st International Astronautical Congress – The Cyberspace Edition.

Patel, P., DeCoito, I., & Osinski, G. (2019). Training and engaging the next generation of space scientists and engineers through the space explorers’ program. Paper presented at the 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, D.C., October 21-25. 

Florence, S., & DeCoito, I. (2018). Say what? - 21st century skills, English language learners and STEM outreach. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Bologna, Italy, Aug 26-30. 

Florence, S., & DeCoito, I. (2018). Agency by design: Supporting English language learners' self-efficacy through STEM workshops. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY, April 13-17.

DeCoito, I. (2017). YouTubers, bloggers & app designers: Exploring career aspirations of 21st century learners. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin Ireland (Aug 21-25).

Briona, L., & DeCoito, I. (2017). Developing digital video games (DVGs) in science teacher education. ICT Workshop presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin Ireland (Aug 21-25).

Florence, S., & DeCoito, I. (2017). Accessible STEM education: Fostering self-efficacy in STEM for middle school students with learning disabilities. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Dublin Ireland (Aug 21-25).  

Richardson, T., & DeCoito, I. (2017). Teaching, technology, and STEM career trajectories: A longitudinal study of STEM outreach in middle school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON (May 27-31).

Myszkal, P., & DeCoito, I. (2017). Exploring the impact of STEM outreach on teacher STEM career awareness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON (May 27-31).

Richardson, T., & DeCoito, I. (2017). A case study of the impact of digital video games on students’ physics career awareness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON (May 27-31).

Ibrahim, S., Myszkal, P., & DeCoito, I. (2017). The ‘M’ in STEM: Exploring mathematics integration and changes in attitude and interest through STEM outreach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON (May 27-31).

Florence, S., Gerrard, D., & DeCoito, I. (accepted 2017). STEM outreach workshops: Fostering curiosity in middle school students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Toronto, ON (May 27-31).

Florence, S., & DeCoito, I. (2017). Decoding STEM: The impact of STEM outreach programs on English language learners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), San Antonio, TX (April 22-25).

Ibrahim, S., & DeCoito, I. (2017). Exploring fluctuating interest in STEM careers amongst middle school girls. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), San Antonio, TX (April 22-25).

Myszkal, P., & DeCoito, I. (2017). STEM outreach programs: Impacting science teachers’ beliefs and outcome expectancies.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Des Moines, Iowa (Jan 12-14, 2017).

Richardson, T., & DeCoito, I. (2017 presentation). Teachers and technology in STEM education – Present practice and future directions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Des Moines, Iowa (Jan 12-14, 2017).

Otoide, L., DeCoito, I., & Gichuru, J. (2016). The influence of border crossing on the preparation of mathematics teachers in a refugee context. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA), Washington, DC (April 2-12, 2016).

DeCoito, I., Gichuru, J., & Otoide, L. (2016). The role of cultural tools in teaching and learning mathematics in a refugee context. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC (April 8-12, 2016).

Di Tomasso, S., & DeCoito, I. (2016). Integrating STEM education and Indigenous perspectives: A case study of an Aboriginal teacher. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC (April 8-12, 2016).

Myszkal, P., & DeCoito, I. (2016). Seeking out professional development opportunities in STEM education: A case study of middle school teachers. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC (April 8-12, 2016).

Myszkal, P., & DeCoito, I. (2016). Connecting instruction and teachers’ self-efficacy and beliefs in STEM education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Reno, NV (January 7-9, 2016).

Richardson, T., & DeCoito, I. (2016). A case study of the impact of digital games on students’ physics career awareness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Reno, NV (January 7-9, 2016).

Di Tomasso, S., & DeCoito, I. (2016). Exploring sociocultural influences on science teaching in an Aboriginal context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE), Reno, NV (January 7-9, 2016).

DeCoito, I., Florence, S., & MacDonald, A. (2015). Exploring middle school students’ attitudes and interest in mathematics, technology, and engineering subjects. Paper presented at the STEM International Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 13-15.

DeCoito, I., MacDonald, A., & Florence, S. (2015). Gender differences in STEM career aspirations amongst middle school students. Paper presented at the STEM International Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 13-15.

DeCoito, I. (2015). Developing integrated STEM projects in education. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, Vancouver, BC, June 9-12.

Gichuru, J., DeCoito, I., & Otoide, L. (2015). Teaching and learning mathematics in a refugee context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON, May 30-June3.

Otoide, L., DeCoito, I., & Gichuru J. (2015). Integrating inquiry and culturally relevant practices in the teaching of mathematics in a refugee context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON, May 30-June 3.

DeCoito, I., & Bellomo, K. (2015). Exploring STEM projects in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON, May 30-June 3.

Richardson, T. & DeCoito, I. (2015). STEM literacy: Exploring middle school teacher STEM career awareness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON, May 30-June 3.

MacDonald, A., DeCoito, I., & Florence, S. (2015). Enhancing 21st century learning skills through science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workshops. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, ON, May 30-June 3.

Lorenz, S., Son, H., Jordan, R., & DeCoito, I. (2014). STEM-ifying science in teacher education. Innovative showcase presented at the International Conference of STEM in Education, Vancouver, BC, July 12-15.

DeCoito, I., Florence, S., Myszkal, P., Richardson, T., & DiLucia, D. (2014). Exploring grade 6 girls’ attitudes and interest in STEM. Paper presented at the International Conference of STEM in Education, Vancouver, BC, July 12-15.

DeCoito, I., Myszkal, P., Richardson, T., DiLucia, D., & Florence, S. (2014). Teaching for relevance: Linking science instruction to STEM career awareness. Paper presented at the International Conference of STEM in Education, Vancouver, BC, July 12-15.

DeCoito, I. (2014). Addressing social justice through school gardens. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. Catharines, ON, May 24-29.

DeCoito, I. (2014). Engaging learning communities through digital literacies in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. Catharines, ON, May 24-29.

DeCoito, I. (2014). Translating research into practice: Developing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) projects in teacher education. Paper presented at the Ministry of Education – Faculties of Education Forum, Toronto, ON, May 14.

Technical Reports

DeCoito, I., Fazio, X., & Gichuru, J. (2020). Research to inform elementary science and technology and secondary science/STEM curriculum focused revision in Ontario. Ministry of Education, Ontario. (151 pages) 

DeCoito, I., & Patel, P. (2020). The Canadian Space Agency: Junior Astronauts initiative. London, ON: Western University. (35 pages)

DeCoito, I. (October 2019). High school students’ views of STEM education, course selections, and STEM career choices – Phase II. London, ON: Western University. (89 pages) 

DeCoito, I. (March 2019). Early intervention of STEM outreach workshops on grade 3-8 students’ attitude and interest in STEM education, Phase II. London, ON: Western University. (370 pages)

DeCoito I. (February 2019). A longitudinal study: Investigating the impact of an outreach

program on students’ future course selection and STEM career choices. London, ON: Western University. (51 pages)

DeCoito, I. (February 2019). High school students’ views of STEM education, course selections, and STEM career choices – Phase I. London, ON: Western University. (88 pages)

DeCoito, I. (February 2019). Exploring elementary school teachers’ attitudes and interest in STEM education. London, ON: Western University. (15 pages)

(Contributor) SSHRC (June 2018). Toward a successful shared future for Canada - Research insights from the knowledge systems, experiences and aspirations of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Ottawa: Author. Knowledge Synthesis highlights included in report. 

DeCoito, I. (February 2018). STEM study (Phase IV): Research vs non-participating schools – Section 1. London, ON: Western University. (64 pages) 

DeCoito, I. (February 2018). STEM study (Phase IV): Research vs non-participating schools – Section 2. London, ON: Western University. (15 pages)

DeCoito, I. (January 2018). Grade 7 and 8 students’ attitudes and interest across four phases of the STEM longitudinal study. London, ON: Western University. (149 pages)

DeCoito, I. (January 2018). Grade 6 students’ attitudes and interest across four phases of the STEM longitudinal study. London, ON: Western University. (49 pages)

DeCoito, I. (January 2018). A longitudinal study of middle school students’ attitude and interest in STEM, Phase IV. London, ON: Western University. (114 pages)

DeCoito I. (December 2016). A longitudinal study: Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and STEM career choices, Phase III. London: Western University. (208 pages)

DeCoito, I. (October 2016). The digital gap: Access, innovation, and impact in Aboriginal communities. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (30 pages)

DeCoito I. (December 2015). A longitudinal study: Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and STEM career choices, Phase II. London: Western University. (200 pages)

DeCoito, I. (October 2015). Focusing on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) initiatives in K-12 education. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (30 pages)

Bellomo, K., & DeCoito, I., (June, 2015). Guyana Improving Teacher Education Project (GITEP), Cycle 4, Professional Development in Science Education. Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University.

DeCoito, I. (March, 2015). Guyana Improving Teacher Education Project (GITEP), Cycle 3, Professional Development in STEM Education. Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University.

DeCoito I. (December 2014). A longitudinal study: Investigating the impact of an outreach program on students’ future course selection and STEM career choices, Phase I. London: Western University. (170 pages)

Teaching and Supervision

Courses Taught at Western University


  • Introduction to STEM Education
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy in STEM Education
  • Teaching Science & Technology in the Primary/Junior Divisions


  • PhD Seminar
  • Introduction to Curriculum
  • Diverse Traditions: Approaches to Educational Research
  • Introduction to Multiliteracies Pedagogy
  • Understanding Research Methods for Educational Practice
  • Introduction to Curriculum in Higher Education in STEM Disciplines
  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in STEM Disciplines

Graduate Supervision

PhD Supervision (Education and Science)

Mariam Takkouch (Supervisor), Exploring the role of school gardens as agents of change in environmental education, Western University.

Anwar Foudeh (Supervisor), Technological affordances, Syrian refugees, and the COVID-19 pandemic, Western University.

Wanda King (Primary co-supervisor), Indigenous STEM education, Western University.

Alvin Ugwu (Supervisor), Immigrant teachers’ perception and integration of education for sustainable development (ESD), Western University.

Martin Wolak (Supervisor), Teachers’ utilization of digital technologies in planning for teaching and learning, Western University.

Robert Addai (co-supervisor with Yolanda Hedberg, Faculty of Science), Corrosion and road salts. Western University.

Master of Arts and Master of Science Supervision

Yun Lin, MA (Supervisor), Gender representation and support strategies in STEM picture books for Mandarin-speaking children aged 3-6: A study based on Feng Zikai and Caldecott award winners from 2009-2024, Western University.

Qian Mei, MA (Supervisor), Technology in Education, Western University.

Completed: 17

PhD: 5

Abulaihaiti Yarkin (2022). Outreach program, cognitive variables, and STEM identity: Mediation and longitudinal mediation study of middle and high school students’ career aspirations. Western University.

Mohammed Estaiteyeh (2022). Walking the equity, diversity, and inclusion talk:

Promoting STEM teacher candidates’ views, understandings, and implementation of differentiated instruction. Western University. [Assistant Professor, Brock University]

Tarek Faid (2021). Global citizenship education in the scout movement: A case study of scouting curriculum in developing global citizens in Egypt. Western University. [Project Coordinator, IMF Outreach]

Christine Manser (2020). Curriculum and misconceptions in psychology. Western

University. [Research Officer, YRDSB]

Carol-Ann Lane (2018). Multiliteracies meaning-making: How boys’ video gaming experiences influence their cultural knowledge – An ethnographic case study. Western University. [Teacher]

Master of Arts, Master of Science: 12

Rajan Brar (2023). Exploring science attitudes of students enrolled in an introductory environmental science course. Western University.

Roksana Mirzaei Ranjbar (2023). Exploring the impact of Khan Academy Kids digital platform on students’ anxiety and problem-solving skills after the Covid-19 pandemic. Western University

Ankita Rawat (2023). Teaching experiences of elementary school teachers in India: An analysis in the post- COVID era. Western University.

Dona Ishara Yahampath (2023). Exploring pre-service teachers’ perceptions about the use of school gardens in education for sustainability. Western University.

Robert Addai (MSc) (co-supervised with Yolanda Hedberg, Faculty of Science) (2023). Corrosion and health aspects of metals and alloys in contact with food and road salts. Western University. [PhD candidate, Faculty of Science]

Amany Mohamed (2021). Curriculum, theory, and practice: Exploring nurses and nursing students' knowledge of attitudes towards and self- efficacy in caring for the elderly in Canada. Western University. [PhD candidate, Faculty of Nursing]

Stefano Vacca (2020). Digital literacies and competencies: Examining teacher candidates’ achievement, engagement, attitudes, and personalized learning in technology enhanced environments. Western University. [Teacher]

Kayla Lambie (2020). Project-based learning (PBL) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM): Perspectives of students with special education needs (SENs). Western University. [e-Learning Resource Developer]

Shuang Zhang (2019). Teaching and learning: Girls and science engagement in high school. Western University. [Teacher]

Stephanie Florence (2018). Decoding STEM: The impact of STEM outreach programming on English language learners. York University. [Teacher]

Tarek Faid (2016). Scouting and globalization: The rover scouts’ curriculum and educating the global citizen in Egypt. Western University.

Debbie A. Robb (2009). Home and school learning: A model of parental involvement. York University.