Dr. Goli Rezai-Rashti, PhD
Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
BA (National University of Iran), MA, PhD (University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
Dr. Goli Rezai-Rashti, PhD
Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
BA (National University of Iran), MA, PhD (University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
My research and teaching are in the field of equity and social justice education, with a focus on anti-racism, feminism, anticolonial, critical multicultural education, and the impact of globalization, internationalization, and neoliberal policy reform in education. My research and teaching on race, class, and gender grew out of my commitment and passion for equity and social justice education. I received the Faculty Scholar’s Award from the University of Western Ontario for recognition of my achievement in teaching and research.
Currently I am working on 2 SSHRC funded research project; one working on accountability and large-scale testing and its impact on teachers, administrators and racialized students. The other project deals with the enactment of equity education policy in Ontario. I have published several books and numerous papers in refereed journals. I have supervised more than 50 graduate students (19 PhD, 36 Masters).
SSHRC Funded Research
- The enactment of equity policy in Ontario. (University of Toronto & Western University)
- Accountability and the impact of standardized testing on equity education and the achievement of minority students in Canadian and Australian schools
- Beyond the crisis of “failing boys”: Investigating which boys and which girls are underachieviing : The influence of male elementary school teachers as role models (with Wayne Martino)
- Women and higher education in post-revolutionary Iran 1979-2005
- Globalization, educational restructuring, and curriculum reform in Ontario: An institutional ethnography
- The woman teacher in Twentieth-Century Ontario
Recent Publications
Martino, W., Rezai-Rashti, G., & Lingard, B. (Guest editors). (2013). Gendering in gender Research: Methodological considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(3-4).
Lingard, B., Martino, W., & Rezai-Rashti, G. (Guest editors) (2013). Testing regimes, accountabilities .and education policy. Journal of Education Policy, 16(4).
Martino, W., Renold, E., Rezai-Rashti, G., Ringrose, J., & Rodriguez, N. (2014-present). Routledge Series Editors on Gender and Sexuality in Education.
Rezai-Rashti, G., & Mehran, G., Abdmolaei (Eds.). (2019). Women, Islam and education in Iran. New York: Routledge.
Lingard, B., Martino, W., Rezai-Rashti,G., & Sellar, S. (2016). Globalizing educational accountabilities. New York: Routledge.
Lingard, B, Martino, W & Rezai-Rashti, G. (Eds) (2016). Testing regimes, accountabilities and education policy. New York, London: Routledge.
Martino, W., & Rezai-Rashti, G. (2012). Gender, race and the politics of role modelling: The influence of male teachers. New York: Routledge.
- Rezai-Rashti, G., Segeren, A & Abdmolaei, S. (2024). Equity, standardization, and educators’ perspectives on the enactment of large-scale standardized testing: A case study of urban schools in Ontario, Canada. World Studies in Education, 24(1), 41-67.
- Rezai-Rashti, G., Arumuhathas, S., Zhao, C.E & Leung, V. (2024). Investigating the experiences of racialized international students during COVID pandemic. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies. 5(1), 8-24.
- Rezai-Rashti, G & Abdmolaei, S. (2023). Global testing regimes: Accountability, standardization, racial inequlity and the audit culture. In F, Rizvi & J, Beach (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Education: Globalization and Shifting Politics of Education. Fourth Edition, Elsevier.
- Rezai-Rashti, G & Segeren, A. (2023)). The game of accountability: The perspectives of urban school leaders in Ontario and British Columbia, Canada, International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2020.1808711.
- Rezai-Rashti, G, Zhang, B, Abdmolaei, S, Segeren, A. (2021).A critical policy analysis of the Ontario Equity and Inclusive Strategy: The dynamics of non-performativity. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 2(4), 7-25.
- Zhao, C. F & Rezai-Rashti, G. (2021). Knock on the door: The experiences of internationally educated women seeking academic positions in China. World Studies in Education, 22(1) 23-44.
- Lawrence, M. & Rezai-Rashti, G. (2022). Pursuing Neoliberal Performativity? Performance-Based Funding and Accountability in Higher Education in Ontario, Canada. In J. Zajda & J. Jacob (Eds.), Discourses of globalisation and higher education reforms. Dordrecht: Springer ISBN 978-3-030-83136-3
- Abdmolaei, S & Rezai-Rashti, G. (2020). Women in Canadian higher education: The paradox of gender parity and equity. In C, Fontanini, K.M, Joshi & S, Paivandi, S (Eds), International Perspectives on Gender and HigherEducation: Student Access and Success (pp. 273-290)., Emerald Group Publishing Limted.
- Rezai-Rashti, G, Segeren, A & Martino. W. (2017). The new articulation of equity education in neoliberal times: The changing conception of social justice in Ontario. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 15(2), 160-174.
- Rezai-Rashti, G, Segeren, A & Martino, W. (2015). Race and racial justice in Ontario education: Neoliberalism and strategies of racial invisibility. In S. Majhanovich & R. Malet (Eds.), Education for democracy in diversity, (pp. 141-158). Sense Publishers.
- Rezai-Rashti, G., & Martino, W. (2010). Black male teachers as role models: Resisting the homogenizing impulse of gender and racial affiliation. American Educational Research Journal, 47(1), 37-64.
- Rezai-Rashti, G., & McCarthy, C. (2008). Race, text, and the politics of official knowledge: critical investigation of a social science textbook in Ontario. Discourse: Journal of Culture and Society, 29(4), 527-540. https://doi.org/10.1080/01596300802410243
Selected Special Issues of Journal (Guest Editor)
Martino, W., Rezai-Rashti, G., & Lingard, B. (Guest editors). (2013). “Gendering in gender Research: Methodological considerations”. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26, 3-4.
Lingard, B., Martino, W., & Rezai-Rashti, G. (Guest editors) (2013). “Testing regimes, accountabilities .and education policy”. Journal of Education Policy, 16(4).
Martino, W., & Rezai-Rashti, G. (Guest editors) (2011). “The politics of boys’ education: including the voices of girls, minority boys and teachers”. International Journal of Inclusive Education (special issue), 16(4).
Selected Editorial and Avisory Boards
- Gender and Education
- Discourse: Studies in Cultural Politics of Education (Editorial Advisory Board)
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies
- Journal of Iranian Comparative and International Education
Teaching and Supervision
Recent Courses Taught
- Equity, Social Justice, and Human Rights Education (EdD)
- Introduction to Research in Education (EdD)
- PhD Seminar: Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
- Race and Ethnicity in Education (MPED)
- Globalization and Education (MA & PhD)
- Theories of Education (PhD)
- Postcolonial Theories and Critical Approaches in Women Studies (MA)
- Advanced Topics in Equity and Social Justice in Education (MA & PhD)
Teacher Education:
- Teaching for Equity and Social Justice
- Urban Schools
- Critical and Transformative Pedagogies
Recent PhD Supervision (Completion)
Kathleen Sandy-Thompson, Guidance Counselors’ Enactment of Educational Equity policies: A Cross-case Analysis of Ontario and Trinidad and Tobago, Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2022)
Yasmeen Hakooz, (Supervision with shelley Taylor). Proposal in Progress. Started Fall 2018, Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2022)
Sarah Halabi,The experiences of Muslim girls with Islamophobia in high schools in Canada, Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2021)
Melanie Mezier, “The experiences of faculty members and administrators in the era of neoliberal accountability in higher education in Canada”. Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2021)
Shirin Abdmolaei, “Racialized women’s experiences with sexual violence: An intersectional analysis.” Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2020)
Vi Vo, “Interrupting the “model minority” narrative: Voices of Vietnamese- Canadian youth”,
Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2019)
Courtney Brewer, “The use of social and cultural capital as refugee parents transition their children to Ontario schools”, Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2019)
Phillipa Myers, “The persistence of Latin American female students in higher education in Canada: an intersectional analysis”, Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2019)
Bailing Zhang, “The quest for world-class universities in China: Examining faculty members’ subjectivities under the logics of neoliberal globalization” (Co-supervision with Wayne Martino), Faculty of Education, UWO (Completed 2018)