Dr Farahnaz Faez, PhD
Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
Dr Farahnaz Faez, PhD
Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
My research interests are second language teaching and learning, pre-service and in-service ESL teacher education, internationally educated teachers, English language learners in K-12 programs and World Englishes.
Recent Publications
- Faez, F. (Accepted). Linguistic identities and experiences of generation 1.5 teachers: Race matters. TESL Canada
- Faez, F., Taylor, S., Majhanovich, S. Brown, P. & Smith, M. (2011-in press). Teacher reactions to CEFR's task-based approach for FSL classrooms. Synergies Europe, 6.
- Faez, F. (2011-in press). English education in Italy: Perceptions of teachers and professors of English.Canadian and International Education Journal.
- Faez, F. (2011-in press). Are you a native speaker of English? Moving beyond a simplistic dichotomy. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. 8(4)
- Faez, F. (2011). Reconceptualizing the native/nonnative speaker dichotomy. Journal of Language, Identity and Education. 10 (4), 231-249.
- Faez, F. (2011). Working with internationally educated teachers: A sociocultural perspective. Contact (Special Issue: Refereed Proceedings of 2011 Research Symposium). Pp. 54-67.
- Faez, F. (2011). Developing the Knowledgebase of ESL and FSL teachers for K-12 programs in Canada: Points of departure. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14 (1), 48-82.
- Faez, F. (2010). Linguistic and cultural adaptation of internationally educated teacher candidates. Special Issue: Canadian Journal for Educational Administration and Policy.
Conference Papers
- Faez, F. & Valeo, A. (2011). Novice ESL Teachers' Perceptions of TESL Programs. TESL Ontario, Toronto, Canada, Oct 27-29 .
- Faez, F. (2011). English as a lingua franca: A report on research in Italy. International Society for Language Studies (ISLS). Oranjestad, Aruba, June 23-25.
- Garbati, J. & Faez, F. (2011). Teaching core French to English language learners in Ontario. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, March 25-29.
- Taylor, S. & Faez, F.(2011). WesternCAN's framework & toolkit: Supporting L2 learners in K- 12 classrooms. TESOL 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 16-19.
- Faez, F. (2010). : Introducing the CEFR in pre-service language teacher education programs: Strategies, challenges and new conceptualizations, British Association of Applied Linguistics, Aberdeen Scotland, U.K. September 9-11.
- Faez, F. (2010). Internationalization, globalization and English education in Italy. World Englishes, Vancouver, Canada, July 25-27.
- Faez, F., & Taylor, S. (2010). Introductions please! Presenting the Common European Framework of Reference in French as a Second Language Programs in Canada. American Association of Applied Linguistics, March 6-9.
- Faez, F. (2009). Linguistic identity: Putting the native-nonnative debate under scrutiny. International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Orlando, Florida, June 11-13.
- Faez, F., Majhanovich, S., Smith, M., & Crowley, K. (2009) The Use of the Common European Framework of Reference in Ontario: Feasibility and adaptability for FSL program. The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL), Ottawa, May 29-31.
- Faez, F., & Taylor, S. (2009). Developing the Knowledge Base of ESL and FSL Teachers for K- 12 Programs in Canada: Points of Departure. Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics(ACLA/CAAL), Ottawa, May 29-31.
- Faez, F. (2008). Linguistic and cultural adaptation of immigrant teachers in Canada. 13th International Metropolis, Bonn, Germany, Oct 27-31.
- Faez, F. (2008). Are you a native English speaker? Moving beyond the problematic native/nonnative dichotomy. The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL) Vancouver, June 4-6.
Teaching and Supervision
Courses taught and course descriptions
9702. Doctoral Seminar.
Students will draw together theoretical concepts from 700 and 701, and apply those frameworks to their own research. Students will present work in progress, and discuss and critique the work of other graduate students, faculty members and visiting scholars. Published research reports which exemplify a variety of research methodologies will be discussed.
9578. Issues in Second Language Teaching and Learning.
This course designed to meet the needs of a wide spectrum of educators with diverse experience in language education. It provides a survey and analysis of fundamental issues and concepts related to second, bilingual or foreign language curriculum and pedagogy as well as an introduction to theory and research in second language acquisition (SLA). Descriptions and evaluations of different theories of SLA and an examination and analysis of relevant empirical work are offered.
9678 Diverse Traditions: Approaches to Educational Research
This course is an introduction to the major approaches to research in education. The methods arising from their assumptions are reviewed, with emphasis on the nature of questions addressed and the forms of explanations sought. Students will apply the emergent issues in their own areas of interest.
5413: Teaching English as a Second Language
This course is intended for pre-service students who wish to provide linguistically and culturally responsive pedagogy to children in Canadian classrooms where diversity is fast becoming the norm. It is also intended for students who plan to gain additional qualifications in English as a Second Language (ESL) after completing their pre-service year to be qualified to teach ESL through grades 1 to 12. Topics addressed in the course include: linguistic as well as academic, cultural, cognitive, and psychological issues that arise when teaching English Language Learners (ELLs); basic concepts and principles of second language (L2) learning and “best practices” in L2 teaching; and content based instruction (CBI); L2 learning and assessment, and K-12 program models, and advocacy.
5417: Multicultural Education
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to a systemic and analytical study of multicultural education as well as to explore some of its practical applications in school settings. This course examines various approaches to multicultural education and discusses their relevance for the formulation of policies and practices in education. Course objectives include the following:
- To understand the history, background and different forms of multicultural education, and key related concepts (culture, ethnicity, race, etc.)
- To understand how the structure and culture of schooling and society have contributed to the construction of inequality, difference, identity and power
- To see how your own actions, the community and school setting and structure can enhance students’ opportunities and experiences
- To develop inclusive, culturally sensitive and responsive teacher strategies and resistance to inequalities that disadvantage students.
Titles of Theses Supervised
Garbati, J. (in progress). English Language Learners in Core French Programs. Ph.D. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.
Ke, X. (in progress). A Study of Canadian University Students Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language Ph. D. (Curriculum Studies). UWO. (co-supervisor)
MA (Thesis)
Cooke, S. (in progress). FSL Teachers' Preparedness to Teach in Core and Immersion Classrooms. M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.
Kdith, N. (in progress). Job Satisfaction of Core French and Homeroom Teachers: A Comparative Case Study. M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.
Bridge, J. R. (in progress). Motivation and Computer Assisted Language Learning. M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.
Vidwans, M. (2011). The Lexicon of Science: Extracting the Scientific Vocabulary from Written and Spoken Corpora. M.Ed.(curriculum studies). UWO
Ansems, L. (2010). Ontario's New Teacher Induction Program: Is it Meeting the Needs of Novice FSL Teachers? M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.
LeGros, N. (2010). Developing Teaching Communication Competence in International Graduate Students. M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.
Tang, R. (2009). Chinese Heritage Language Maintenance in a Heritage Language School. M.Ed.(Curriculum Studies). UWO.
Qureshi, V. (2009). An Investigation into the Challenges Facing ELLs in Ontario's Multilingual English Language Arts Classrooms. M.Ed. (Curriculum Studies). UWO.(co-supervisor)