
Two New Publications Hot Off the Press

May 28, 2013

After several hectic months navigating the publishing process, Dr. Greg Dickinson and Katherine Butson of The Althouse Press are proud to announce the release of two new books.

Everybody’s Children, produced by the Faculty of Education’s Dr. Alan Leschied, explores the mental health care crisis for Canada’s children and youth through a collection of presentations delivered by topic experts at a one-day Faculty of Education forum in fall 2012. The format provides a current slice of the salient challenges educators and schools face in addressing youth mental health and a platform for understanding how they can participate in new solutions.

Understanding Curricular Control: Rights Conflicts, Public Education, and the Charter, by the University of Regina’s Paul T. Clarke, investigates who should have ultimate control over children’s education. Parents? The state? Children themselves? Teachers? A combination of these stakeholders? Through a series of case studies in which Canadian courts rule on constitutional rights conflicts, Clarke explains why human rights as well as moral values such as duty, love, friendship, and compassion should play a role in guiding curriculum, what happens in schools, and the direction of the educational community as a whole.

The Althouse Press is an award-winning publisher at the Faculty of Education and has been producing educational materials since 1977.  The Press continues to add new processes, collaborative links, and authors to expand its production of influential works of professional significance.

Congratulations Dr. Alan Leschied and The Althouse Press for continuing the tradition of publishing excellence at the Faculty of Education.